java Programming Glossary: hwnd
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? probably want to use the proper structure mappings for HWND and also allow unicode support you can find that information..
Java search for on-screen text field to find the name of a control to potentially find the HWND window handle of the control you want. Once you have found the.. of the control you want. Once you have found the correct HWND of the edit box that of course being the difficult part given.. your question a simple call to SetForegroundWindow targetHWND ought to bring the control to the front and set your cursor..
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java? com.sun.jna. import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.HWND import com.sun.jna.win32. public class GetWindowRect public.. user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS HWND FindWindow String lpClassName String lpWindowName int GetWindowRect.. String lpClassName String lpWindowName int GetWindowRect HWND handle int rect public static int getRect String windowName..
Getting active window information in Java import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.HWND import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference public class EnumerateWindows.. user32 public static native int GetWindowThreadProcessId HWND hWnd PointerByReference pref public static native HWND GetForegroundWindow.. HWND hWnd PointerByReference pref public static native HWND GetForegroundWindow public static native int GetWindowTextW..
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? user32 User32.class int GetWindowTextA PointerType hWnd byte lpString int nMaxCount To use it byte windowText new byte..
Java search for on-screen text field GetWindowRect HWND handle int rect int SendMessage HWND hWnd int msg int wParam byte lParam HWND FindWindowEx HWND parent.. WNDENUMPROC extends StdCallCallback boolean callback HWND hWnd Pointer arg int GetWindowTextA HWND hWnd byte lpString int.. callback HWND hWnd Pointer arg int GetWindowTextA HWND hWnd byte lpString int nMaxCount long GetWindowLong HWND hWnd int..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? new WndEnumProc public boolean callback int hWnd int lParam if User32.instance.IsWindowVisible hWnd RECT r.. int hWnd int lParam if User32.instance.IsWindowVisible hWnd RECT r new RECT User32.instance.GetWindowRect hWnd r if r.left.. hWnd RECT r new RECT User32.instance.GetWindowRect hWnd r if r.left 32000 minimized byte buffer new byte 1024 User32.instance.GetWindowTextA..
Getting active window information in Java public static native int GetWindowThreadProcessId HWND hWnd PointerByReference pref public static native HWND GetForegroundWindow..
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? To use it byte windowText new byte 512 PointerType hwnd ... assign the window handle here. User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowTextA.. the window handle here. User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowTextA hwnd windowText 512 System.out.println Native.toString windowText..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? WindowInfo o1 WindowInfo o2 return order.indexOf o1.hwnd order.indexOf o2.hwnd for WindowInfo w inflList System.out.println.. o2 return order.indexOf o1.hwnd order.indexOf o2.hwnd for WindowInfo w inflList System.out.println w public static.. left top right bottom public static class WindowInfo int hwnd RECT rect String title public WindowInfo int hwnd RECT rect..
In Java Swing how do you get a Win32 window handle (hwnd) reference to a window? Java Swing how do you get a Win32 window handle hwnd reference to a window In Java 1.4 you could use SunToolkit.. using JNI may be related. java winapi swing jni hwnd share improve this question You don't have write any C JNI..
Embed HWND (Window Handle) in a JPanel so I can position it like I wan in my UI Thanks java awt hwnd share improve this question JPanels are lightweighted components..
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java? throws WindowNotFoundException GetWindowRectException HWND hwnd User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow null windowName if hwnd null throw.. HWND hwnd User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow null windowName if hwnd null throw new WindowNotFoundException windowName int rect.. int rect 0 0 0 0 int result User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowRect hwnd rect if result 0 throw new GetWindowRectException windowName..
GetAsyncKeyState and VirtualKeys/special characters using JNA (JAVA) 10 public bool ReadKeyboardInput ref string res var hwnd WinAPI.GetForegroundWindow var pid WinAPI.GetWindowThreadProcessId.. var pid WinAPI.GetWindowThreadProcessId hwnd IntPtr.Zero var keyboardLayoutHandle WinAPI.GetKeyboardLayout.. public static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId IntPtr hwnd IntPtr lpdwProcessId DllImport user32 public static extern IntPtr..