java Programming Glossary: hurt
Parsing / reading C-Header files using Java than parsing header files of course but that shouldn't hurt you. We use the parser from the Eclipse CDT project. This is..
Execute JSP directly from Java
Tinting Image in Java improvement you need to use a little black magic and it wouldn't hurt to have a sacrifice or two on hand... public class TestTint..
Capitalize First Char of Each Word in a String Java wheel that must have been invented already so it couldn't hurt to ask so I can use it in the future. Thanks java string capitalization..
Does the JVM create a mutex for every object in order to implement the 'synchronized' keyword? If not, how? that are significantly different which I would expect to hurt predictability. Is the JVM smart enough in all cases to recognize..
Is there any disadvantage to putting API code into a JAR along with the classes? do this EDIT Other than the Maven download problem will it hurt anything to put my sources into the classes jar to support as..
Why were most java.util.Date methods deprecated? representation there are specific issues which really hurt the Date class including the fact that year is presented in..
Is the char literal '\“' the same as '”' ?(backslash-doublequote vs only-doublequote) String literal is quoted in double quotes It doesn't hurt to escape even when it's not necessary Go with what's most readable..
Pattern for lazy thread-safe singleton instantiation in java VM it will make the code 25 faster and for others it won't hurt. if result null synchronized this result obj if result null..
Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM value of theFoo to memory right away though it wouldn't hurt . What do you think is the most readable way to implement the..
Restrict download file bandwidth/speed in Servlet a lot of concurent threads during download and it can hurt performance. Could it be an issue for servlet container If it..
Hibernate and no PK @Table and @Column annotations are not needed but don't hurt. Use them if your column names are different than the variable..
How to avoid request set ASYNC_SUPPORTED=true to enable async servlet 3.0 processing on Tomcat 7? a bit strange and is not really 'portable' code it won't hurt but... . It seems specific to Tomcat 7. I am using Tomcat 7.0.14..
Does JVM/GC call `finalize()` on program/thread exit? Similarly it might preclude useful optimizations and hurt the performance of the platform in the long term. Although there..
JSP: EL expression is not evaluated false I add it to every page because it doesn't hurt and I still don't know the root cause that occasionally causes..