java Programming Glossary: hugely
IP Address not obtained in java ppp0 I don't think that's giving away any hugely sensitive information If you know which network interface you..
Problem with synchronizing on String objects? is slow blocking I O in DoSlowThing which will therefore hugely benefit from not being serialised. If that's not the bottleneck..
Is Java guaranteed to inline string constants if they can be determined at compile time that the concatenated value is interned so I'd be hugely surprised if it didn't just inline the concatenated value. Even..
How does Java's serialization work and when it should be used instead of some other persistence technique? It's not portable to other platforms It's not hugely efficient It's fragile getting it to cope with multiple versions..
Are there any cons to using Joda-Time? easier to reason about and thread safety for formatters is hugely useful. Yes there are files to keep up to date but at least..
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] of JSP code and HTML into a single String which can hugely improve performance in some cases. EHCache is an easy caching..
Calling virtual method in base class constructor to avoid it where possible but without bending the design hugely . For instance the initialize later option prohibits immutability...
Using “this” with methods (in Java) where you need super.this.x but they should be avoided as hugely obscure IMO EDIT I can't think of any examples why you'd want..
What is an open source Java project I could contribute to? in Java with a relatively low barrier to entry ie. not hugely complex friendly etc. My background is mostly in web apps so..