java Programming Glossary: human
Sort on a string that may contain a number which produces an ordering that is inconsistent with human logic. Here's how to fix it. Edit Here's a link to the Java..
Natural sort order string comparison in Java - is one built in? By natural sort order I mean it compares strings the way a human would compare them as opposed to ascii betical sort ordering..
Polymorphism vs Overriding vs Overloading Human is an abstract concept &mdash You cannot create a human that is neither Male nor Female. It ™s got to be one or the other...
How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time? use Period . To format the elapsed time in the desired human representation use PeriodFormatter which you can build by PeriodFormatterBuilder..
Which is the best alternative for Java Serialization? XML. The only benefit is that that YAML is slightly more human readable than XML. The same restrictions apply. share improve..
How do I convert CamelCase into human-readable names in Java? do I convert CamelCase into human readable names in Java I'd like to write a method that converts.. I'd like to write a method that converts CamelCase into a human readable name. Here's the test case public void testSplitCamelCase.. splitCamelCase GL11Version java regex string camelcasing humanize share improve this question This works with your testcases..
Java: define terms initialization, declaration and assignment some beta reductions we get initialization. D x type me human me declared with type human A y D x type me human asking asking.. initialization. D x type me human me declared with type human A y D x type me human asking asking assigned to the last declaration.. type me human me declared with type human A y D x type me human asking asking assigned to the last declaration if the last two..
Java split is eating my characters
Format file size as MB, GB etc [duplicate] already has an answer here How to convert byte size into human readable format in java 4 answers I need to display..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics view to repaint. This approach updates instantly to the human eye. 289 screen updates took cumulatively 1 second. It was an..
How to convert byte size into human readable format in java? to convert byte size into human readable format in java How to convert byte size into human.. readable format in java How to convert byte size into human readable format in Java Like 1024 should become 1 Kb and 1024.. both SI units and binary units public static String humanReadableByteCount long bytes boolean si int unit si 1000 1024..
Real-time Java graph / chart library? [closed] achieve 1 update per second which is fine. I don't think a human eye can follow something quicker than this. If you want something..
How to convert Milliseconds to “X mins, x seconds” in Java? variable and I want to show them the time elapsed using a human readable format such as XX hours XX mins XX seconds or even..
Why does the toString method in java not seem to work? char array share improve this question To get a human readable toString you must use Arrays.toString like this System.out.println..
What is the best macro-benchmarking tool / framework to measure a single-threaded complex algorithm in Java? [closed] to provide the reliable benchmarking environment. Besides human readable output jmh provides a Java API to process the results..
How can I open Java .class files in a human-readable way? can I open Java .class files in a human readable way I'm trying to figure out what a Java applet's..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? Use SimpleDateFormat to format dates and times into a human readable string with respect to the users locale. Small example..
Java library to compare image similarity
how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar? designed to resemble the progress bar look feel from the Human theme in ubuntu 9.04 import java.awt.AlphaComposite import java.awt.Color.. that looks like the progress bar from Ubuntu 9.04 Human Theme public class HumanProgressBar extends JProgressBar private.. the progress bar from Ubuntu 9.04 Human Theme public class HumanProgressBar extends JProgressBar private static final long serialVersionUID..
Polymorphism vs Overriding vs Overloading an abstract base class or interface public abstract class Human ... public abstract void goPee This class is abstract because.. is abstract because the goPee method is not definable for Humans. It is only definable for the subclasses Male and Female. Also.. is only definable for the subclasses Male and Female. Also Human is an abstract concept &mdash You cannot create a human that..
Creating an offscreen frame in Java (or: how to avoid a blank menu on a Mac, when all application windows are closed)? This answer links to a simple example . Although Apple's Human Interface Guidelines are an excellent guide to what your users..
What does it mean for a method to be public/private/other in java? [closed] of those methods and keep private others. For instance a Human being have a heart. But it is not exposed to everybody it would.. our body. If we were to model a software after a real Human we may declare the method heartBeat as private so nobody can.. come public methods like getGender to find out if your Human instance is male or female. There are other access modifiers..
The purpose of interfaces continued to a solve MathProblem problem method. And you know that a Human but also a Computer might solve the math problem. So they both.. to extend some MathSolver class that has the method but Human already extends Animal and can't extends anything else. So a.. way is to make MathSolver an interface and have both Human Computer and any other classes that need to solve problems implement..