java Programming Glossary: hostnameverifier
Java and HTTPS url connection without downloading certificate import import import Create all trusting host name verifier HostnameVerifier allHostsValid new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String.. host name verifier HostnameVerifier allHostsValid new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return..
How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java? that verifies everything HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String arg0 SSLSession.. HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String arg0 SSLSession arg1 return true.. proxyHost proxyPort connection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String arg0 SSLSession..
SSLSocket ignores domain mismatch . HttpsURLConnection handles both because it also uses a HostnameVerifier which follows the HTTPS specification RFC 2818 Section 3.1 ...
How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient? import import import conn HttpsURLConnection url.openConnection conn.setHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier @Override public boolean verify String.. url.openConnection conn.setHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier @Override public boolean verify String arg0 SSLSession arg1..
Android/Java — How to Create HTTPS Connection? SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier.. socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER..
https Session and posting problem verify the host dont check for certificate final static HostnameVerifier DO_NOT_VERIFY new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String.. final static HostnameVerifier DO_NOT_VERIFY new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return.. https HttpsURLConnection tempUrl.openConnection https.setHostnameVerifier DO_NOT_VERIFY Log.v smartdbhelper adding post parameters https.toString..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? from here just to test by the way the hostname passed as an argument to.. test by the way the hostname passed as an argument to the HostnameVerifier is correct so I think it should have been accepted . I have..
Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL between given hostname and certificate hostname HostnameVerifier hv new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname.. hostname and certificate hostname HostnameVerifier hv new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) context.getSocketFactory HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession.. HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return..
jndi LDAPS custom HostnameVerifier and TrustManager LDAPS custom HostnameVerifier and TrustManager We are writing an application that shall connect.. LDAP and STARTTLS because we can use StartTlsResponse.setHostnameVerifier .. and use StartTlsResponse.negotiate ... with a matching SSLSocketFactory.. ctx.extendedOperation new StartTlsRequest tls.setHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier tls.negotiate sslContext.getSocketFactory..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android I always get same exception No peer certificate Why try HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier registry.register new.. socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier registry.register new Scheme https socketFactory..
Resolving PKIX path building failed Error? conn1 HttpsURLConnection url.openConnection conn1.setHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession.. url.openConnection conn1.setHostnameVerifier new HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return..
How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java? verify String arg0 SSLSession arg1 System.out.println hostnameVerifier return true URL url new URL https URLConnection.. is what I get when I run the program checkServerTrusted hostnameVerifier DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.1 EN http TR.. DTD xhtml11.dtd ...... As you can see both SSLContext and hostnameVerifier are getting called. HostnameVerifier is only involved when the..
Android/Java — How to Create HTTPS Connection? registry new SchemeRegistry HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. 443 HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setVersion..
jndi LDAPS custom HostnameVerifier and TrustManager new StartTlsRequest tls.setHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier tls.negotiate sslContext.getSocketFactory We could add out..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android exception No peer certificate Why try HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier registry.register new Scheme https socketFactory 443 SingleClientConnManager.. Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https