java Programming Glossary: hoped
Removing items from a collection in java while iterating over it from a set while I am iterating over it. Initially I hoped that iterators were smart enough for the naive solution below..
Getters and Setters are bad OO design?
Bounding generics with 'super' keyword because even if it's allowed it wouldn't do what you'd hoped it would do because since Object is the ultimate super of all..
BLOB vs. VARCHAR for storing arrays in a MySQL table i dubs i din.readDouble return dubs Edit I'd hoped to use BINARY 2400 but MySQL says mysql create table t a binary..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? folders but added everything else. When I got home I had hoped it would be as easy as pointing eclipse to the newly downloaded..
Java ProcessBuilder: Resultant Process Hangs thread but that doesn't seem to be solving anything as I hoped it would have. Basically the result is that to the user the..
How to do opposite of of preference attribute android:dependency? on the other preference it didn't enable it like i had hoped java android xml dependencies preferences share improve this..
How can I ensure the destruction of a String object in Java? the SQL Server JDBC classes do with my password but I hoped I could control what I do with my password. Is there a surefire..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? of the audio file that was stopped paused and hoped it would append but i had no luck. Is there a way to achieve..
Instantiating Rhinoscript Native Objects from Java/Scala although it did not yield the performance increase I had hoped for only 10 faster . The solution is specific to Scala Lift..