java Programming Glossary: hopefully
Singleton with Arguments in Java desire to use Singleton. Let me explain my motivation and hopefully someone can suggest a better idea. I am using a grid computing..
Spring - @Transactional - What happens in background? as it was written back in the Spring 1.x timeframe. But hopefully it gives you an idea. I have an updated version that I could..
What does it mean to program to a interface? me the difference helps me design a program better. But hopefully my examples give you some idea... hope it helps. share improve..
How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client? question I know this is old and answered elsewhere but hopefully this closes this down. I'm not sure why you would want to download..
Java SimpleDateFormat for time zone with a colon seperator? JSR 310 the referrence implementation is called ThreeTen hopefully it will make it into Java 8 if you want a better formatter in..
Which is the best alternative for Java Serialization? compatibility. However with XML marshalling you'll hopefully catch these right away since some frameworks may do some checks..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? as the solution is slowly constructed. In this aspect hopefully this answer will contain much more than just another neat regex..
How does this Java regex detect palindromes? of even simple string replacements can still do wonder as hopefully shown in this example . Lesson Consider programmatic generation..
How to pass C structs back and forth to Java code in JNI? env SetFloatField and so on in short lots of manual labor hopefully there already exist programs that do it automatically JNAerator..
Loop counter in Java API 2 i readable for int i 2 i 0 i micro optimized and faster hopefully Addition Yesterday I did a very basic test just created a 2000x2000..
Java Object default toString shows the object class and its hash code so that you can hopefully tell different object instances apart. Since it is also used..
Asynchronous IO in Java? support for non blocking I O only via Selector s. Java7 is hopefully going to ship with NIO.2 which includes asynchronous I O support...
Composing Swing Components: How do I add the ability to add ActionListeners? ability to add ActionListeners I want to create a simple hopefully custom Swing component by composing several existing components...
How to optimize for-comprehensions and loops in Scala?
Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project [closed] there any other recommendations to add to this list And hopefully can generate an overview Java class diagram. I am using Eclipse.. Connection reset in my own logs in my IDE. Anyway just mentioning it hopefully not a red herring. java sockets networking connection socketexception..
MouseMotionListener in Java Swing, using it with components inside components etc any work around for this problem. Thanks for reading and hopefully thanks for answering edit To make my intentions clearer. I only..
Java Swing: How can I implement a login screen before showing a JFrame? button. I'd also like to allow the player to navigate to a hopefully for them rather large trophy collection likewise in what will..
Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout share improve this question I had made a small program hopefully the comments written in the program might be able to guide you..
“Could not find the main class” error when running jar exported by Eclipse manually instead of using Eclipse. Try the following steps hopefully that might help Considering that your directory structure looks..
Overriding vs Hiding Java - Confused in the parent in a subclass pretty much does an override. Hopefully I'm making clear my where I'm confused and someone can shed..
SwingPropertyChangeSupport to dynamically update JTextArea spcSupport.addPropertyChangeListener listener EDIT Hopefully removed compilation errors. java arrays swing refresh share..
Java rectangle collision detection confusion statement saying something like if intersects do this... Hopefully after this I think it would work. Some more information on the..
What does it mean to program to a interface? changed too public LinkedHashSet getBuddies return buddies Hopefully you see even with a small program like this you have far reaching..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock 5 you should now be able to compile without errors Hopefully that helps someone. Essentially though I needed to re download..
Predicate in Java if Iterables.all numbers isPositive System.out.println Yep Hopefully you can now see the value in higher abstractions for routines..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android e try m_Socket.close catch IOException e2 return Hopefully whatever I am doing wrong is simple but I'm afraid it's never..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? contain much more than just another neat regex pattern. Hopefully readers will also learn how to think in regex and how to put..
How does Java Garbage collector handle self-reference? does Java Garbage collector handle self reference Hopefully a simple question. Take for instance a Circularly linked list..
What do < and > mean such as implements Comparable<BigInteger>? it would have to implement a compareTo String o method. Hopefully you can see the benefit from the above snippet. In 1.4 the signature..
Decode Base64 data in Java encoded. What is the best way to decode that in Java Hopefully using only the libraries included with Sun Java 6. java base64..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java each attribute including the node as well. Word of advice Hopefully you will provide some useful intel EDIT Reason for doing this..
Configuring Spring Security 3.x to have multiple entry points It works perfectly now after several days of frustration Hopefully this post will be able to help somebody who is doing the same..
How to use the GWT EventBus button void handleClickAlert ClickEvent e fireEvent e Hopefully somebody can help me out. Thanks java events gwt event handling..
Stack with find-min/find-max more efficient than O(n)? and a the aforementioned min queue on my personal site. Hopefully this shows off what this might look like in practice share..
Using MessagePack with Android msgpack messagepack share improve this question Hopefully FINAL UPDATE msgpack 0.6.8 works on Android without any problems..
What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type? type component family and renderer selection strategy Hopefully with a good example. java jsf java ee custom component renderer..
Java library to compare image similarity on this all regarding Java libraries of image processing. Hopefully there's one amongst them that can compare images for similarity...
Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC way to do this. It might not be the best way but it works. Hopefully this post can save someone else a lot of time and effort. These..
“Could not find the main class” error when running jar exported by Eclipse