java Programming Glossary: htc
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View will debug and run perfectly fine on my target device HTC Desire HD when the application is installed via USB from Eclipse...
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results if it works on a specific device tested functional on a HTC Desire w Android v. 2.1 File 1 package..
Custom Lock Screen Implementation Techniques the previous api levels otherwise. Also consider using the HTC screenlock api for HTC devices. This way your solution won't.. otherwise. Also consider using the HTC screenlock api for HTC devices. This way your solution won't be too hacky at least..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory be even worse if you ran it on an xxhdpi device like the HTC one and Galaxy S4 . what can you do either put the image file..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] extensions gl.glGetString GL10.GL_EXTENSIONS I've got a HTC Hero so I can share those extensions next. java android opengl.. es share improve this question OpenGL ES extensions on HTC G1 Android 1.6 GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar.. GL_QUALCOMM_direct_texture OpenGL ES version on HTC G1 Android 1.6 OpenGL ES 1.0 CM I'm including the version as..
Android: When do classes get unloaded by the system? it and it runs just fine. The problem occurs mostly on my HTC Magic phone running Android 1.6. Any insight is highly appreciated...
How to set android lock screen image image concept that is the same between stock Android HTC Sense MOTOBLUR etc. This simply is not part of the Android SDK...
Android ClassNotFoundException seperate users contact me regarding this issue one on a HTC wildfire 2.1 and one a Samsung Galaxy S . Now I cannot recreate..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity this I have seen an application called Wifi Hot spot in HTC Desire that does this functionality of showing the IP addresses.. this be achieved Check out Review Sprint Mobile Hotspot on HTC EVO 4G . It shows an application that can actually display the..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? .exec su But I can't do the actual reboot. I try on a G1 HTC and on a Galaxy S Samsung without any success. I located the..
Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity Samsung Galaxy Tab Android 2.2 Vodafone 845 Android 2.1 HTC Tatoo Android 1.6 Xperia X10 Android 1.6 Nexus One Android 2.2..
Get Android Device Name Device Name How to get android device name I am using HTC desire. When I connected it via HTC Sync the software is displaying.. device name I am using HTC desire. When I connected it via HTC Sync the software is displaying the Name 'HTC Smith' . I would.. it via HTC Sync the software is displaying the Name 'HTC Smith' . I would like to fetch this name via code. How is this..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] faced this issue before..BTW I am testing on simulator and HTC Desire phone.. FINAL OUTCOME Well I got it working with the..
Android 4.0 WebView.loadURL oddity in my assets in the APK . Passing the URL works fine on my HTC Desire running Android 2.2. It also seems to work in an emulator.. question I updated last week from 2.3.4 to 4.0 on my HTC Sensation. The two apps i wrote had a local HTML Contact site...