java Programming Glossary: hsqldb
Lightest Database to be packed with an application supported distribution of the open source Apache Derby HSQLDB not very active and H2 the successor of HSQLDB are all 100 Java.. Derby HSQLDB not very active and H2 the successor of HSQLDB are all 100 Java embeddable database engines and can all be.. are dialect for them . Refer to this page and this one . HSQLDB has the smallest footprint ~700 KB of all of them. But feature..
How do I unit test jdbc code in java? this question You could use DBUnit together with a HSQLDB which can read its initial data from CSV files for example...
Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB @generatedvalue for HSQLDB I have the following definition for an id field in an entity.. for an id field in an entity that is mapped to a table in HSQLDB. ... @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO @Column.. incorrect It does in theory it defaults to IDENTITY with HSQLDB and it works for me. This begs the following questions What..
Java Embedded Databases Comparison I can't decide which one would be more suitable for me. H2 HSQLDB Derby and Berkeley DB seem to be good candidates but I still.. database comparison share improve this question Either HSQLDB Used by OpenOffice tested and stable. It's easy to use. If you..
Embedded java databases [closed] databases in Java. In particular I was looking at H2 HSQLDB and Derby. Have you use any of these in a production project.. more than a million records with no issues. I used to use HSQLDB and Hypersonic about 3 years ago. It has some major performance..
access to auto increment identity field after SQL insert in java Derby MySQL SQL Server For databases where it doesn't work HSQLDB Oracle PostgreSQL etc you will need to futz with database specific..
How to initialize in-memory HSQLDB using script via Spring to initialize in memory HSQLDB using script via Spring I am attempting to do unit testing.. testing of my DAO using Spring and Hibernate . I am using HSQLDB per this tutorial. The tutorial states that the in memory HSQLDB.. per this tutorial. The tutorial states that the in memory HSQLDB database can be initialized using a SQL script but I cannot..
IllegalStateException with Hibernate 4 and ManyToOne cascading 25 Database backend is h2 but the same happens with hsqldb or derby . What am I doing wrong java hibernate jpa many to..
Java Swing : GUI frozen - jstack interpretation at Unknown Source at org.hsqldb.result.Result.newResult Unknown Source at org.hsqldb.result.Result.newResult Unknown Source at Unknown Source at org.hsqldb.ClientConnection.execute.. at Unknown Source at org.hsqldb.ClientConnection.execute Unknown Source locked 0x22f32700 a..
What is the standard way to bundle OSGi dependent libraries? I have time to migrate to the newer versions I tested hsqldb 2.0 yesterday and it contains many api changes . One of the..
Difference between configuring data source in persistence.xml and in spring configuration files property name hibernate.connection.driver_class value org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property name hibernate.connection.url value jdbc.. property name hibernate.connection.url value jdbc hsqldb hsql localhost property name value create..
Hibernate 3.5.x: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval excluding this but I get different errors guava r05.jar hsqldb junit 4.1.jar lambdaj 2.0 with dependencies.jar..
What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java? settings property name connection.driver_class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property property name connection.url jdbc hsqldb.. property property name connection.url jdbc hsqldb hsql localhost property property name connection.username sa..
Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB Is my understanding incorrect java hibernate orm jpa hsqldb share improve this question Doesn't a generation strategy..
How to configure JPA for testing in Maven ... I would like to be able to run tests against a simple hsqldb configuration without having to change the deployment version..
Java Embedded Databases Comparison Said to be faster by the developer who originally designed hsqldb too Which one you use is up to you depending how much performance..
SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger version dependency dependency groupId org.hsqldb groupId artifactId hsqldb artifactId version 2.2.4 version dependency.. dependency groupId org.hsqldb groupId artifactId hsqldb artifactId version 2.2.4 version dependency dependency groupId..
How to initialize in-memory HSQLDB using script via Spring property name driverClassName value org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property name url value jdbc hsqldb mem mydb property.. value org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property name url value jdbc hsqldb mem mydb property name username value sa property name password.. bean Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. java spring hsqldb share improve this question If you are trying to work with..