java Programming Glossary: hoc
Is polymorphism possible without inheritance in this article Universal parametric inclusion Ad hoc oveloading coercion The kind of polymorphism related to inheritance.. Cardelli this form of automatic coercion is a form of ad hoc polymorphism provided for the plus operator. There are languages.. of operands. According to Cardelli this is a form of ad hoc polymorphism provided for the plus operator. This of course..
MouseEvents and Icon / ImageIcon
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? looking for a way to avoid the Eclipse formatter on an ad hoc basis. Ideally a solution will allow me to insert instructions..
Best Method to run a Java Application as a *nix Daemon or Windows Service? of just java.exe . Standards Compliant Unlike many ad hoc Java init scripts the scripts for service wrapper tend to be..
How do I calculate a good hash code for a list of strings?
Java Regex performance strict or permissive HTML parser. Even writing an ad hoc parser by hand is going to be better than using gnarly regexes...
setting a UTF-8 in java and csv file improve this question Unfortunately CSV is a very ad hoc format with no metadata and no real standard that would mandate..
Execute a Java program from our Java program Notice the path separators. I'm assuming this is for an ad hoc project rather than something large. However for best practice..
The case against checked exceptions find it a bogus argument of Hejlsbergs and possibly a post hoc one created to explain the lack rather than a well thought out..
Java's Interface and Haskell's type class: differences and similarities? was originally invented in the 1989 paper How to make ad hoc polymorphism less ad hoc while Haskell is still in its cradle.. in the 1989 paper How to make ad hoc polymorphism less ad hoc while Haskell is still in its cradle while Java project was..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool queries tend to go on that entity so are hard to miss. Ad hoc queries can still be repeated but I think it's less of a potential..