java Programming Glossary: him
Why aren't Java Collections remove methods generic? of the collection as parameter type. The example given by him is an intersection of a List of Numbers and a List of Longs...
Java rectangle collision detection confusion buckyPositionY position 0 0 bucky.draw shiftX shiftY makes him appear at center of map g.drawString Suraj's X buckyPositionX.. buckyPositionY 10 increase the Y coordinates of bucky move him up if buckyPositionY 162 if I reach the top buckyPositionY 10..
What to use? MVC, MVP or MVVM or?? than Karsten at explaining this I can at best paraphrase him. So just read him Also maybe have a look at Desktop Java demos.. explaining this I can at best paraphrase him. So just read him Also maybe have a look at Desktop Java demos for learning more..
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions to read from an non existing file the caller can prompt him for a new filename. On the other hand if the method fails due..
@Basic(optional = false) vs @Column(nullable = false) in JPA a good answer on this topic so instead of paraphrasing him I'll quote his answer The difference between optional and nullable..
question on GWT, Cookies and webpage directing on that PC browser and prevent others from logging in as him her. If the user just closes the browser page and you've set..
What is a good use case for static import of methods? I change the code and I didn't but I do kind of agree with him. One reason given for not static importing was it was confusing..
“Uncompilable source code” RuntimeException in netbeans IMO but I guess some will find it useful. I've got him to completely rebuild the project with no compile errors but..
How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail to @jodonnel and everyone else who answered. I'm giving him a bounty because his answer led me about 95 of the way to a..
Are static variables shared between threads? not necessarily update the ready variable. According to him the two threads don't necessarily share the static variable..
How can I ensure the destruction of a String object in Java? user account. Since I trust the guy but not enough to let him work 90 minutes with my session open I'll just add a login prompt.. with it. I'll log in and trust my application to let him do only what he needs to. This however raises a small security..
How to clone an InputStream? clone the InputStream to send to the method that closes him There is another solution EDIT the methods that closes the InputStream..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? e.g. if the user is not allowed to see the page redirect him to another page. But I don't want to use normal servlet filter..
Java - opaque color over this map remember that one point and similar to him all other connect with graphics2D.drawLine x1 y1 x2 y2 and than..
Best book/ tutorial to learn/implement web services using java, xml and spring [closed] to get an intern up to speed on Web Services so I made him implement a two player game of Reversi using Web Services as..
How to install JPype on OS X Lion to use with Neo4j? install work on OS X. But if we can solve this I can point him to the answer and maybe he can add the solution to the JPype..
If statement using == gives unexpected result they word their word he word she word his word her word him word its word in word on word a word at Log.i step step Success..