java Programming Glossary: highlights
How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location int counter private Map Integer Highlighter.Highlight highlights new HashMap Integer Highlighter.Highlight public TextHighlight.. Options JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE if input null highlights.size 0 int startIndex Integer.parseInt input.trim Highlighter.. tarea.getHighlighter highlighter.removeHighlight highlights.get startIndex tarea.setCaretPosition startIndex tarea.requestFocusInWindow..
Custom List Field click event star. I would assume that clicking the star fills it in or highlights it or something. But you didn't describe that problem so I assume..
Highlighting few of the words of a text file opened in a frame jep public 'public is the word to highligh' Creates highlights around all occurrences of pattern in textComp public static.. textComp String pattern First remove all old highlights removeHighlights textComp try Highlighter hilite textComp.getHighlighter.. catch BadLocationException e Removes only our private highlights public static void removeHighlights JTextComponent textComp..
Java - Scroll to specific text inside JTextArea that the text is moved to the viewable area. It also highlights the match public class MoveToText public static void main String..
Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse? give you autocomplete there as well. Needless to say it highlights incorrect regular expressions. There are few features which..
using hit highlighter in lucene search results. Only if you do need the snippets and or highlights you should use the Highlighter. If you still want to use the..
How can I make Tomcat pre-compile JSPs on startup? results in degraded performance for the first hit. It also highlights bizarre bugs in Tomcat's JSP compiler. The Tomcat documentation..
Converting longitude/latitude to X/Y coordinate X Y coordinate I created a map using Google Maps API that highlights all Minnesota counties. Basically I created the county polygons..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering same as String value in JTextField Document and then highlights meaning f.e. change text Color.Red for identical text in synchronized.. text rendering starts @param height the height of painted highlights @return a code List code of highlight areas to paint protected.. i 1 else i Calculates the x offset of highlights based on component orientation and text direction. @param component..
What's new in Hibernate 4? Core 4.0.0 you can get all details from this link Some highlights Move to gradle for builds Redesign SessionFactory building Introduction..
JTable with JPopupMenu this question It's an interesting question because it highlights missing api on JComponent As we all know the recommended way..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? Thanks in advance. Edit1 Here is a bit of code that highlights the problem. import java.awt. import java.awt.event. class fooFrame..