java Programming Glossary: higher
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list all that. If you are messing with the build path on R16 or higher version of the ADT plugin for Eclipse you're doing it wrong...
Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour/zeroconf apart from JMDNS? use pure Java mDNS implementation that runs on JDK 1.4 and higher JiveDNS JiveDNS is a fork of the defunct JmDNS library used..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? and replace it with a tag invocation. At a higher level you can do sophisticated things like this table tag I..
How to get vm arguments from inside of java application? be more specific I need to create one specific thread with higher native stack size than the default one but in case user want..
Increase heap size in java a 32 bit system. If you're on a 64 bit system you can go higher. No need to worry if you've chosen incorrectly if you ask for..
Netty vs Apache MINA you can do with UDP under Netty than you can't under the higher level abstraction that MINA provides but on which we relied...
Why JSF calls getters multiple times learn it here . However this count can get up much higher when used in iterating JSF components such as h dataTable and..
Android: Prompt user to save changes when Back button is pressed keyCode event If you're only supporting Android 2.0 and higher they've added an onBackPressed you can use instead @Override..
Using Java to get OS-level system information class. The disk space usage stuff requires Java 1.6 or higher. public class Main public static void main String args Total..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? to add a lot of elements construct the ArrayList with a higher initial capacity. It's worth noting that Vector also implements..
Port of Random generator from C to Java? generator that is extremely fast simple and has a much higher period than the Mersenne Twister. Here is the code with a description..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? together AB in regexes an or is X Y and because the and is higher in precedence than or that is simply AB CD . So every b that..
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception? [duplicate] values or exceptions. My experience tells me that I get higher quality that is code that JUST WORKS when I'm using checked..
Integer wrapper class and == operator - where is behavior specified? are put in a cache and returned multiple times while higher and lower numbers generate new Integers each time. share improve..
Android download binary file problems len1 buffer 0 f.write buffer 0 len1 Perhaps the higher latency networking or smaller packet sizes of 3G on Android..
Pass String as params from one Java App to another connect to it and send the data that way. You could use a higher level messaging tool like JMS Active MQ etc. You could use RMI...
What are the rules for evaluation order in Java? are evaluated. Consider A B C D . Multiplication is higher precedence than addition and addition is left associative so.. 0 runs first The rules of precedence say that indexing is higher precedence than assignment but that does not mean that the indexer..
ClassCastException when casting to the same class ... Make sure the class is loaded by a class loader higher in the hierarchy. Serialize and deserialize the object. Yuck..
How to access static resources when using default servlet a great solution. I ended up mapping my servlet one level higher in the URL hierarchy servlet mapping servlet name home servlet..