java Programming Glossary: hierarchies
Spring: namespace vs contextConfigLocation init parameters in web.xml framework has its own child context . Also here Context hierarchies For example if you are developing a Spring MVC web application..
Doxygen vs Javadoc JavaDoc does not offer e.g. the class diagrams for the hierarchies and the cooperation context more summary pages optional source..
Location based Timezone Retrieval
Code understanding, reverse engineering, best concepts and tools. Java read all the code in one hour get high level view of class hierarchies interfaces take multiple sessions if needed identify large structures..
Why in java enum is declared as Enum<E extends Enum<E>> [duplicate] them aren't going to utilise it at all. But for some class hierarchies it can be very useful I've used a similar technique myself before..
Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java) always a bad practice to throw one . Use exception class hierarchies for communicating information about exceptions across various..
The purpose of interfaces continued certain abilities that cut across multiple inheritance hierarchies and can have very different implementations but can all be passed..
Is there some tool to visualize Java class hierarchies and relations? there some tool to visualize Java class hierarchies and relations Provide the source code of an application as..
explicit casting from super class to subclass if you try and cast objects in different inheritence hierarchies cast a Dog to a String for example then the compiler will throw..
Casting variables in Java casting two objects in completely different inheritance hierarchies then the compiler will know you're being silly and stop you..
Avoiding parallel inheritance hierarchies parallel inheritance hierarchies I have two parallel inheritance chains Vehicle Car Truck etc... etc. My experience has been that parallel inheritance hierarchies can become a maintenance headache as they grow. How do I avoid..
How the method resolution and invocation works internally in Python? . Unless you are doing some really funky inheritance hierarchies and you shouldn't it is enough to know that the lookup order..