java Programming Glossary: hgap
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? WrapLayout code . @param align the alignment value @param hgap the horizontal gap between components @param vgap the vertical.. gap between components public WrapLayout int align int hgap int vgap super align hgap vgap Returns the preferred dimensions.. public WrapLayout int align int hgap int vgap super align hgap vgap Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI Spacing BorderLayout.getHgap and BorderLayout.setHgap int hgap For Vertical Spacing BorderLayout.getVgap and BorderLayout.setVgap.. FlowLayout Overloaded Constructor FlowLayout int align int hgap int vgap Getter and setter methods For Horizontal Spacing FlowLayout.getHgap.. Spacing FlowLayout.getHgap and FlowLayout.setHgap int hgap For Vertical Spacing FlowLayout.getVgap and FlowLayout.setVgap..
How can I let JToolBars wrap to the next line (FlowLayout) without them being hidden ty the JPanel below them? super align public ModifiedFlowLayout int align int hgap int vgap super align hgap vgap public Dimension minimumLayoutSize.. ModifiedFlowLayout int align int hgap int vgap super align hgap vgap public Dimension minimumLayoutSize Container target Size.. Container target synchronized target.getTreeLock int hgap getHgap int vgap getVgap int w target.getWidth Let this behave..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI 5. CardLayout example CardLayout int hGap int vGap Example to display all constructors in action import.. javax.swing. public class LayoutExample private final int hGap 5 private final int vGap 5 private String borderConstraints.. GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START gbc.insets new Insets hGap vGap hGap vGap private void displayGUI JFrame frame new JFrame..