java Programming Glossary: fromstring
How to serialize an object into a string version System.out.println string SomeClass some SomeClass fromString string System.out.println n nReconstituted object System.out.println.. Read the object from Base64 string. private static Object fromString String s throws IOException ClassNotFoundException byte data..
Create a GUID in Java
Postgresql UUID supported by Hibernate? or manually convert that object. UUID class has methods fromString and toString so I would store it as String. share improve this..
CXF JAXRS - How do I pass Date as QueryParam DateHandler implements ParameterHandler Date public Map fromString String s final Date date try date new Date dateString yes I..
java generic String to <T> parser string Return a default value if parsing fails static T T fromString String input T defaultValue Implementation would be trivial.. any information about the desired return type. static T T fromString String input Class T type T defaultValue Then you can figure..