java Programming Glossary: french
A Simple Http Server with Java/Socket? wiki Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol im sorry for the french language... java http sockets share improve this question..
Java HashMap associative multi dimensional array can not create or add elements names myArray 'en' 'name' english name myArray 'fr' 'name' french name myArray 'es' 'name' spanish name loop two assign the description.. 'en' 'desc' english description myArray 'fr' 'desc' french description myArray 'es' 'desc' spanish description loop three.. myArray 'en' 'keys' english keywords myArray 'fr' 'keys' french keywords myArray 'es' 'keys' spanish keywords later on in the..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation a bit more searching though I found this blog post it's in french maybe some people here will be able to understand Ajout automatique..
UTF-8 encoding and http parameters data.encoding of the serialized data. I can see that the french characters that are being sent as parameters are encoded in..
Weird behaviour with Scanner#nextFloat this line before the code causes Scanner to accept 0 23 french notation as a float Locale.setDefault Locale.US This is most.. Locale.getDefault float price String uSDecimal 0.23 String frenchDecimal 0 23 Scanner sc new Scanner uSDecimal try price sc.nextFloat.. e e.printStackTrace try sc new Scanner frenchDecimal price sc.nextFloat System.out.println price catch java.util.InputMismatchException..
What charset does Microsoft Excel use when saving files? 8859 1 UTF8 but I am unable to decode extended chars e.g. french accentuated letters using either of these charset types. java..
another java generic question by the fuzzy creatures humans are for instance in the french figure of speech synecdocque . Regards Stéphane share improve..
Regular expression for excluding special characters digit letter we need to include accented characters ex. french or german and some special characters such as ' . etc. How do..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? language. For example Lundi Mardi etc... if the user is french. I have seen this post but returns only a int not a string with..
How to use JAXB annotations at runtime constructor. I'm not sure to understand all he sais in his french slides http Zenika annotations paris jug..
How to create an exe file in java
Weird behaviour with Scanner#nextFloat most probably due to regional settings in Windows XP Pro French Belgian . When the code is run again 0 23 is still accepted.. need to set the locale of the Scanner before accepting the French number. i.e. sc new Scanner frenchDecimal sc.useLocale Locale.FRENCH..
UTF-8 text is garbled when form is posted as multipart/form-data When the name is given in some other language German French etc. there are problems. In the servlet method the request's..
Looking for Java spell checker library [closed] has dictionaries for at least the following languages French German Spanish and Czech. Any suggestion java spell checking..
Should you report the message text of exceptions? administrators or is it to pop up in a window for the French user of the GUI . I hear that Java 7 has a much improved exception..