java Programming Glossary: fs
How do I build/run this simple Mahout program without getting exceptions? import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import import apple Configuration conf new Configuration FileSystem fs FileSystem.get conf Path path new Path appledata apples SequenceFile.Writer..
How to read and write excel file in java example on how to read an excel file try POIFSFileSystem fs new POIFSFileSystem new FileInputStream file HSSFWorkbook wb.. new FileInputStream file HSSFWorkbook wb new HSSFWorkbook fs HSSFSheet sheet wb.getSheetAt 0 HSSFRow row HSSFCell cell int..
Access to private inherited fields via reflection in Java void main String args throws Exception B b new B Field fs b.getClass .getSuperclass .getDeclaredFields fs 0 .setAccessible.. B Field fs b.getClass .getSuperclass .getDeclaredFields fs 0 .setAccessible true System.out.println fs 0 .get b Output..
Is it possible to “add” to classpath dynamically in java? ' dir File.separator nam .jar' return FileSelector fs new FileSelector true .add BaseName EG nam true .add Name EW.. EG nam true .add Name EW .jar true if jars dir.list fs null log.error Error accessing directory for Class Path element..
Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu String notMatching new ArrayList String if sf.equals int fs 1 int lastFs 0 while fs lowerS.indexOf String lowerSf lastFs.. String if sf.equals int fs 1 int lastFs 0 while fs lowerS.indexOf String lowerSf lastFs 0 1 lastFs 1 notMatching.add.. lastFs 0 1 lastFs 1 notMatching.add s.substring lastFs fs lastFs fs sf.length System.out.println fs sf.length notMatching.add..
JButton() only working when mouse hovers main String args MainClass o new MainClass FullScreen fs new FullScreen JFrame f1 new JFrame TITLE pane f1.getContentPane.. JFrame f1 new JFrame TITLE pane f1.getContentPane fs.fullScreenIt f1 pane.add o f1.setVisible true o.loadImage o.imageButtons..
Keeping the correct style on text retrieval StyledDocument doc displayPane.getStyledDocument int offset displayPane.getCaretPosition textPane.setText try doc.insertString.. textPane.setText try doc.insertString offset input set catch BadLocationException ex Logger.getLogger..
Please recommend pretty Java Swing components library project WebLookAndFeel Also see here for more free L Fs Synthetica Themes Custom L Fs Alternatively you.. for more free L Fs Synthetica Themes Custom L Fs Alternatively you may want to know how to create your own How..
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? but even that is not guaranteed to be respected by all L Fs. So for visual feedback it might be better to use an exclamation..
How to get frequency from fft result? you can convert the index of the peak as follows freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate.. freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you are using N size of.. of the largest peak N 1024 size of FFT and sample window Fs 44100 sample rate 44.1 kHz data N input PCM data buffer fft..