java Programming Glossary: frequency
GC overhead limit exceeded heap so RMI forces full collections periodically. The frequency of these collections can be controlled with properties. For..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function automatically made to your event handler at the specified frequency. I think the structure in pseudo code would be something like..
How to count occurrence of an element in a List share improve this question I'm pretty sure the static frequency method in Collections would come in handy here int occurrences.. would come in handy here int occurrences Collections.frequency animals bat That's how I'd do it anyway. I'm pretty sure this..
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless? different processors in SMP systems and due the fact its frequency can vary and hence its relationship to elapsed time based on..
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord I am currently trying to implement.. using Android to detect when a number of specific audio frequency ranges are played through the phone's microphone. I have set.. over the place and aren't representative of a consistent frequency even in silence. Is anyone aware of a way to perform this task..
Join two WAV files from Java? way to concatenate two WAV files in Java 1.6 Equal frequency and all nothing fancy. This is probably sooo simple but my Google..
Java raw audio output JComboBox sampleRate JSlider framesPerWavelength JLabel frequency JCheckBox harmonic Clip clip DecimalFormat decimalFormat new.. setUpSound bottomOption.add harmonic BorderLayout.WEST frequency new JLabel bottomOption.add frequency BorderLayout.CENTER options.add.. BorderLayout.WEST frequency new JLabel bottomOption.add frequency BorderLayout.CENTER options.add bottomOption add options BorderLayout.NORTH..
Most efficient way to increment a Map value in Java is getting run a bunch of times. Say I'm creating a word frequency list using a Map probably a HashMap where each key is a String.. opening a 10MB file and reading it in then performing a frequency count of all the word tokens in the file. Since this took an.. took an average of only 3 seconds I had it perform the frequency count not the I O 10 times. timed the loop of 10 iterations..
Why would a “ Connection timed out” exception occur when URL is up? getting a ConnectException Connection timed out with some frequency from my code. The URL I am trying to hit is up. The same code..
Java NTP client of the clock offset calculation. Ntpd uses the CPU high frequency timer to interpolate between system clock ticks and achieve..
Fastest Gaussian blur implementation the spatial domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency Fourier domain. This means that you can take the Fourier transform..
Any tutorial or code for Tf Idf in java lucene text analysis share improve this question Term Frequency is the square root of the number of times a term occurs in a.. a term occurs in a particular document. Inverse Document Frequency is the log of the total number of documents divided by the number..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound audio fft frequency pitch share improve this question Frequency an objective metric is not the same as pitch a subjective quantity..
Processing Audio Data using Fourier Transforms in Java FFT Algorithm.htm Spectrum Analysis using Java Sampling Frequency Folding Frequency and the FFT Algorithm http Spectrum Analysis using Java Sampling Frequency Folding Frequency and the FFT Algorithm http java other article.php.. article.php 3380031 Spectrum Analysis using Java Sampling Frequency Folding Frequency and the FFT Algorithm.htm share improve this..