java Programming Glossary: edited
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener problem. I need to access the TreeNode that is being edited in the CellEditorListener's editingStopped event. This is the.. that isCellEditable ensures that only leaf nodes can be edited. As @kleopatra notes in comments the previous TreeCellEditor.. implementation was invalid as it modified the node being edited. The revised version below creates a new node having the updated..
Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework? [closed] structures or countless XML files that must be manually edited java web frameworks share improve this question Haven't..
what does “/” mean in the method 'servletcontext.getRealPath' it using FileOutputStream all changes e.g. new files or edited files will get lost whenever the WAR is redeployed with the..
Communication between two separate Java desktop applications to trigger the other passing in data that can then be edited and passed back i.e. the communication will be two way. If the..
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java this question Here is a class I coded a while ago I just edited the package name before pasting. Nothing special it is quite..
What is the point of the class Option[T]? of following a simple approach used in Java UPDATE I have edited my code as per @Mitch 's suggestion. I am still not able to..
Varying behavior for possible loss of precision Puzzlers . Here are some excerpt from the book slightly edited for brevity Many programmers think that x i is simply a shorthand..
How to create a Java String from the contents of a file?
Define Spring JAXB namespaces without using NamespacePrefixMapper namespaces without using NamespacePrefixMapper Heavily edited as understanding progresses Is it possible to get Spring Jaxb2Marshaller.. xml spring jaxb share improve this question Heavily edited reponse I believe the problem in your code is due to some namespace..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields but a Javabean and the other answer doesn't deserve to be edited into a totally different flavor it may still be useful for future..
Is stopwatch benchmarking acceptable? I've not used it at all personally. Edit2 To answer the edited question on scheduling interruptions. I find that doing repeated..
Eclipse: How to build an executable jar with external jar? function calls and classes from the external jar. I have edited the environment variables Windows XP CLASSPATH to include paths..
Java Regex Helper java regex share improve this question From your edited example I can now see what you would like. And you have my sympathies..
What are the rules for evaluation order in Java? all the time even people who should know better. I have edited far too many programming books that stated the rules incorrectly..
Order of XML attributes after DOM processing it ordered since when we need to modify something it is edited by hand. Now and then some projects need light modifications..
How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell here . Addendum To change a value in the same row you've edited just have the model return the correct value for the other column..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java DataGUI myDataGUI.setVisible true Note I edited the code below to include trashgod's suggestions but it still..
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Earlier I asked how to fire..
Simple way to repeat a String in java by repeating another string a given number of times Edited I try to avoid for loops when they are not completely necessary..
HttpClient 4 - how to capture last redirect URL and HttpResponse#getAllHeaders couldn't find anything. Edited HttpGet#getURI returns original calling address java httpclient..
How to know when a user has really released a key in Java? to know when a user has really released a key in Java Edited for clarity I want to detect when a user presses and releases..
How do I identify immutable objects in Java false negatives thinking it's mutable when it isn't are. Edited to add Thanks for the insightful and helpful answers. As some..
Which Html Parser is best? [closed] would be better if it is close to HtmlUnit parser. Edited By best I want at least the following features Speed Ease..
How to run Spring 3.0 PetClinic in tomcat with Hibernate backed JPA petclinic.war. Ran fine with default JDBC persistence. Edited webapps WEB INF spring applicationContext jpa.xml and set jpaVendorAdaptor.. jpa.xml and set jpaVendorAdaptor to Hibernate. Edited webapps WEB INF web.xml and changed context param from applicationContext..
Element to string in HTMLDocument swing share improve this question Try this instead. Edited to use the read method of HTMLEditorKit . import
Eclipse UML plugin? [duplicate] UML diagrams Generate stub java code from the diagrams Edited The tool must be open source as I don't want to purchase it...
Java Array, Finding Duplicates k if k j zipcodeList k zipcodeList j duplicates true Edited to switch .equals back to since I read somewhere you're using..
How to execute cmd commands via Java out.write dir r n .getBytes out.close catch IOException e Edited OTOH if you just need to list a directory then check d irectory..
Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing? java swing doublebuffered share improve this question Edited to address per pixel setting The item blow addresses double.. outperform your loop setting the background to white. Edited after response The key is in your original setup of the JFrame..
invokeAndWait method in SwingUtilities It would be of great help if you try out with an example. Edited to add @noob's expansion of the question What's not clear about..
Java JSlider precision problems 100 LinkedSliders2.SLIDER_MAX_VALUE internalChange false Edited to have SliderGroup2 use a List of BoundedRangeModels rather..
WatchService and SwingWorker: how to do it correctly? Most probably got the distribution of logic wrong though A Edited triggered by @trashgods's comment it's actually not the key..
JComboBox returning values Java AWT EventQueue 0 java.lang.NullPointerException Any ideas Edited Code class putInAgeListener implements ItemListener public void..
Can a java file have more than one class? more than one class in a java file.I am new to java. Edited That can again be achieved by creating a inner class inside..
How update just specific cell in primefaces dataTable should be updated when the value of two others cell change EDITED I've tryied f ajax with complete id and got Component with id..
Howto load a resource from WEB-INF directory of a web archive do you want to do it from a Servlet or from a JSP EDITED If you're inside a Servlet object then call getServletContext..
Google Drive SDK Exception api google drive sdk share improve this question EDITED Sorry I just realized that we can sign the apk in debugging.. from your Google Drive I had succeeded using this way. EDITED If you generated the SHA1 key with the debug.keystore you can.. will automatically sign the apk with debug.keystore. EDITED Next time your code is ready you need to generate a new SHA1..
SpringMVC Custom Collection Editor Not Returning Data To Jsp a CustomEditor and attached it to the @initbinder. EDITED I have updated the code the CollectionEditor is now returning..
Updating TableView row appearance Is there a way I can force the update of the TableView EDITED INFORMATION I changed the ItemBean class to use BooleanProperty..
Java Programming - Where should SQL statements be stored? [closed] in What is better loose coupling or tight coupling and why EDITED Thank you everyone for the answers here is a summary Metadata..
BitSet to and from integer/long i 0 i bits.length i value bits.get i 1L i 0L return value EDITED Now both directions @leftbrain of cause you are right share..
JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL? WEB INF wsdl client SOAService.wsdl Thank you in advance. EDITED I've found this other link http wp cat 41 which..
Sort ArrayList of Array in Java and every String and then its child at index 1. Any ideas EDITED I have more description. I am actually getting schools from..
Does subclasses inherit private fields? the Java world and it does so in this case unambiguously. EDITED removed a parallel quote from Bjarne Stroustrup which due to..
What is the Best practice for try catch blocks to create clean code? [duplicate] test.loadPointList test filename.ext EDITED What I want to avoid is writing lot of catch cases after each..