java Programming Glossary: edit2
How to make two JPanels listen to the same event? need two different listeners sorry for not being specific. Edit2 I made a simple code to show you the problem. When I press the..
JTabbedPane: show task progress in a tab to add icons to your tabs or even use custom components Edit2 As it seems my Mac in combination with JDK1.7 makes it much..
How do I remove objects from an array in Java? other strings to filter out later Arrays.asList a b c . Edit2 The above approach retains the same array so the array is still..
Java Performance - ArrayLists versus Arrays for lots of fast reads look ups away How significant are those extra look ups Edit2 Also I forgot to mention I need to do random access writes as..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded statement object reference will help anymore on leakage Edit2 7. Is there any best way i can find in my project where and..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock I'm still unsure why its not working in Android Studio Edit2 solution in answer below. In Short I downloaded abs latest version..
Send SMS until it is successful sending messages using both channels at the same time. Edit2 Oh well might as well address the questions we are almost there..
Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint? 256 and 1024 bits for SHA 384 and SHA 512. Thanks Charles Edit2 I almost forgot about the part where he's looking for source..
Automating unit tests (junit) for Eclipse Plugin development if those technologies make this substantially easier. Edit2 The 'Java Result 13' mentioned above seems to be caused by the..
Password Protected Excel File excel a password must be entered to view the spreadsheet. Edit2 I am unable to open it with POI with the password I am looking..
Is it possible to dynamically build a multi-dimensional array in Java? or value11 value12 ... value21 value22 ... ... And so on Edit2 In case someone as stupid as I am tries this junk here's a version..
Send and receive serialize object on UDP in java and your object fits in the datagram you should be fine. Edit2 As for the code do not use it as is. it is only an example ind..
Is stopwatch benchmarking acceptable? from the WebSite but I've not used it at all personally. Edit2 To answer the edited question on scheduling interruptions. I..
Can you get basic GC stats in Java? to the JVM for as would be with JConsole or JVisualVM. Edit2 The MX bean looks like what I want does anyone have a working..
How Can I Convert Very Large Decimal Numbers to Binary In Java a hard time figuring our how to convert decimal to binary. Edit2 And also I am not allowed to use BigDecimal BigInteger or any..
Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type) invocation didn't work properly. Any suggestions... Edit2 I'v checked on the Gson User Guide . It mentions a Runtime Exception..
On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6 I do know how to research it I'd prefer a ready solution. Edit2 For now I'm content with BeanShell evaluate . Apparently it..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? rather than onto the picture like I want to have happen. Edit2 Code modified with Kleopatra's suggestions. import java.awt...
How do you import a font? using that but I'm not sure how. Or is there a better way Edit2 I have found a nice tutorial on how to do it but need some help..
Drag and drop differences between JDK1.6 and JDK1.7 a non empty file list otherwise just an empty file list. Edit2 Based on the answer of serg.nechaev I performed some more tests..
could not set the column width to zero i.e. not made column invisible public void run TableRowHeight frame new TableRowHeight EDIT2 you have to check too JTable.setAutoResizeMode JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF..
Parse String to Date Java 12 2012 10 19 35 EEST 0300 Eastern European Summer Time EDIT2 Even after setting locale System.out.println sdf.format date..
Should one call .close() on HttpServletResponse.getOutputStream()/.getWriter()? as you don't try to use it again. EDIT another filter link EDIT2 adrian.tarau is correct in that if you want to alter the response..
8-Puzzle Solution executes infinitely gave a result with 24 moves in 0.0001 seconds with A . EDIT2 While debugging I noticed that as nodes are expanded the new..
TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint() void run MyTableAndRenderer fs new MyTableAndRenderer EDIT2 from WinXp for all Win OS don't to use Nimbus Renderer is there..
Why does InvokeLater cause my JFrame not to display correctly? changes to the GUI will be displayed. The GUI is frozen. EDIT2 invokeLater the Runnable is appended to the end of the queue..
h2 (embedded mode ) database files problem src db h2test.db user name aeter password aeter EDIT2 I copied the database to a new folder. Now the db file in the..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? 32 bit jvm and 64 bit and got the same results for each. EDIT2 Updated code to include z order. It does use GetNextWindow...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in Linux of glibc you have What Linux distro are you running EDIT2 The problem seems to be narrowed down to libstdc . I'm about..
Trouble with Gson serializing an ArrayList of POJO's s Ljava.lang.String @5a5e5a50 Serialize Deserialize Ended EDIT2 I honestly dont know why but when I replaced the simple String..
How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea? I forgetting about There is no word wrap on the text area. EDIT2 @trashgod This is the output I am getting. Apparent from this..
Pass String as params from one Java App to another another way as I tried by using Process ProcessBuilder EDIT2 my crosspost http forums thread.jspa threadID..
problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double Integer field while this don't work with Double fields. EDIT2 If I remove getClass method in my table model. It works. Anyway..
How to set the orientation of JTextArea from right to left (inside JOptionPane) JTextArea as an object Message and pass it to OptionPane. EDIT2 I figured out that setComponentOrientation ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT..
What is the best practice for securely storing passwords in Java which I know in itself is not a very good practice... EDIT2 Thanks for your answers everyone. PaĆlo Ebermann's was very..
Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM the children of your tag node and see what types are there EDIT2 Tried this code and it works for me String xml add job 351 n..
Can one obtain actual stack size used by a thread in Java after some time of running? with real workloads which I can't get profiler access to. EDIT2 In response to one answer at IIRC 256Kb per thread I have wondered..
Mocking Logger and LoggerFactory with PowerMock and Mockito Mockito PowerMock JUnit logback core logback clasic slf4j EDIT2 As it seems to be a popular question I'd like to point out that..
How to get Ip address of our own system using java is But the above returns me EDIT2 I am using the following code Enumeration e NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces..