java Programming Glossary: edge
JButton, JCheckBox and similar interactors do not change visually double dx width 2 double dy dx GMath.tanDegrees 18 double edge width 2 dy GMath.tanDegrees 36 addVertex dx dy int angle 0 for.. addVertex dx dy int angle 0 for int i 0 i 5 i addPolarEdge edge angle addPolarEdge edge angle 72 angle 72 The program works.. 0 for int i 0 i 5 i addPolarEdge edge angle addPolarEdge edge angle 72 angle 72 The program works fine and uses a GStar class..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. share improve this question I finally found a edge detection system I like... Basically the magic happens here..... true Technically we can really only collide with a single edge...more or less if horizontal vertical Basically we try and give.. Basically we try and give precedence to the longer edge... if insect.width insect.height horizontal false else vertical..
Collision detection with complex shapes player new Area new Ellipse2D.Double x y s s Acid test of edge collision if doAreasCollide player walls if x s img.getWidth..
Why is the Java main method static? every method that could be called. There are just too many edge cases and ambiguities for it to make sense for the JVM to have..
How to create ArrayList (ArrayList<T>) from array (T[]) done this before but the solution is sitting just at the edge of my memory. java arrays generics arraylist share improve..
Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge a circle with a radius and points around the edge I'm really stuck on how to go about programming this. How to.. draw a circle in Java with a radius and points around the edge I need to draw a circle within a JFrame with a radius and points.. how to find the coordinates of the point around the edge but i cant seem to be able to program the circle. I am currently..
Is 1/0 a legal Java expression? will result in a runtime exception. However the JLS acknowledges that possibility of runtime exceptions in the following definition.. complexity in the JLS and compilers to deal with an edge case that is rarely going to bite people. But this is all by..
Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM can do one of the following to introduce a happens before edge Publish via volatile which creates a happens before edge equivalent.. edge Publish via volatile which creates a happens before edge equivalent to a monitorenter read side or monitorexit write..
myLocationOverlay change the marker draws the marker but if the user's position moves near the edge of the screen and we've been given a MapController in our constructor..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? non word characters. They do not specifically look for the edge of the string. A b boundary means IF does follow word THEN doesn't.. of boundary. They want something that is whitespace and edge of string aware left edge as ^ s right edge as s Fixing Java.. something that is whitespace and edge of string aware left edge as ^ s right edge as s Fixing Java with Java The code I posted..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering the number of pixels to offset the highlight from the left edge of the component protected int calculateXOffset JLabel component..
Smoothing a jagged path stages of processing the outline. Both of them have jagged edges around the circle and along the slanted sides of the triangle... return null java image image processing java 2d edge detection share improve this question This is a big subject...
JUNG: placing tree nodes in order gui Create a new tree DelegateTree Node Edge graphTree new DelegateTree Node Edge Add all nodes and vertices.. DelegateTree Node Edge graphTree new DelegateTree Node Edge Add all nodes and vertices to the tree graphTree.addVertex tree.getRoot.. graphTree Create the visualization DynamicTreeLayout Node Edge treeLayout new DynamicTreeLayout Node Edge graphTree 100 100..
Java: how to represent graphs? edges and multigraphs you might want to add another class Edge . I would also recommend using generics to allow specifying.. generics to allow specifying which sub class of Vertex and Edge are currently used. For example public class Graph V extends..
Depth first search - 2D Game map int i 0 i rows i for int j 0 j cols j if map i j 1 addEdge i j Set Tile @param x x cord @param y y cord @param entity.. x int y short entity x y entity public void addEdge int start int end Start and end arguments index multidimensional.. for edges and nodes I wrote it in pseudo C# public class Edge public Edge Node start Node end decimal weight StartNode .....
SWIG Java Retaining Class information of the objects bouncing from C++ stable version does not support it. Download the Bleeding Edge from the swig website. But I'm writing this in 22 03 2012 and.. why the destructor isn't virtual is that the Bleeding Edge version makes the program crash in the destructor and making..