java Programming Glossary: ecx
Why volatile in java 5+ doesn't synchronize cached copies of variables with main memory? error 0x021dd753 test eax 0x180100 poll 0x021dd759 cmp 0x0 ecx 0x021dd75c je 0x021dd748 ifeq Test 1 run@7 line 13 0x021dd75e.. nop getstatic out Test 1 run@16 line 18 0x021dd776 cmp ecx eax implicit exception dispatches to 0x021dd7dc 0x021dd778 mov.. nop getstatic out Test 1 run@16 line 18 0x0226d796 cmp ecx eax implicit exception dispatches to 0x0226d811 0x0226d798 mov..
Is volatile expensive? entry Test2 run2@ 1 line 33 0xb396ce8e mov 0xffffffff ecx 0xb396ce93 mov 0xffffffff ebx 0xb396ce98 mov 0x6fa2b2f0 esi.. esi edi getstatic l Test2 run@0 line 33 0xb396cea9 cmp ecx ebp 0xb396ceab jne 0xb396ceaf 0xb396cead cmp ebx edi 0xb396ceaf.. l Test2 run@14 line 37 0xb396ceb1 mov 0xfffffffe ecx 0xb396ceb6 mov 0xffffffff ebx 0xb396cebb cmp ecx ebp 0xb396cebd..