

java Programming Glossary: drift

How to do Gesture Recognition using Accelerometers


estimate of current velocity but the estimate will rapidly drift away from reality due to noise you will have to make assumptions..

Java: How to test methods that call System.exit()?


why not throw an unchecked exception In normal use it will drift all the way out to the JVM's last ditch catcher and shut your..

Java Swing; Two classes, where to put if statements and new actionlisteners?


suggested earlier you had used Calendar to minimize Timer drift. Like you I abandoned the approach as irrelevant in a low resolution..

Why do System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis() drift apart so rapidly?


do System.nanoTime and System.currentTimeMillis drift apart so rapidly For diagnostic purposes I want to be able.. care if we're interrupted long now System.nanoTime long drift System.currentTimeMillis now ONE_MILLION base long interval.. start HALF_MILLION ONE_MILLION System.out.println Clock drift drift msec after interval msec drift 1000 interval msec sec..