

java Programming Glossary: drawable

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


indeterminateOnly false android progressDrawable @android drawable progress_horizontal android indeterminateDrawable @android.. android indeterminateDrawable @android drawable progress_indeterminate_horizontal android minHeight 10dip ..

Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML


5px android layout_marginTop 5px android background @drawable locate_me Now we have two 30 x 30 icons we want to use for the.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.locate_me_on else centeredOnLocation.setBackgroundDrawable.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.locate_me Obviously I'm looking for a better way to do this...

Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory


a lot of memory. for example if the image file is in the drawable folder which is mdpi density and you run it on an xhdpi device.. do either put the image file in the correct density folder drawable xhdpi or drawable xxhdpi or put it in drawable nodpi or in the.. image file in the correct density folder drawable xhdpi or drawable xxhdpi or put it in drawable nodpi or in the assets folder and..

Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall?


Copy one of the included Facebook icons to your app's drawable folder and refresh that as well. Eclipse will complain about..

Android: How to stretch an image to the screen width while maintaining aspect ratio?


layout_height wrap_content and point it to the appropriate drawable public class Banner extends View private final Drawable logo.. super context logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context.. context attrs logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context..

Change icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android


wrap_content android text new checkbox android background @drawable checkbox_background android button @drawable checkbox where.. background @drawable checkbox_background android button @drawable checkbox where the @drawable checkbox will look like xml version.. android button @drawable checkbox where the @drawable checkbox will look like xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector..

Custom Progress Bar in Android?


android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable progress_1 android id @ id imgOne android tag 1 ImageView ImageView.. android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable progress_2 android id @ id imgTwo android layout_toRightOf @id.. android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable progress_3 android id @ id imgThree android layout_toRightOf..

Change ListView background - strange behaviour


toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue.. else v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue TESTING Log.d onClick Channel onClick Channel ch.getTitle.. position .getSelected view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue..

Recycle ImageView's Bitmap


imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.my_image Drawable drawable imageView.getDrawable if drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable.. R.id.my_image Drawable drawable imageView.getDrawable if drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable.. BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable drawable Bitmap bitmap bitmapDrawable.getBitmap bitmap.recycle The cast..

Overlapping Views in Android


android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable navigmask RelativeLayout edit I got it to work it was a theme.. question Android handles transparency across views and drawables including PNG images natively so the scenario you describe.. id @ id navigmaske android background #0000 android src @drawable navigmask android scaleType fitXY android layout_alignTop @id..

Android:Issue Image resolution


.open sam.png sam.png 520 1400 device 320 480 or 480 800 Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream ims null a.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams.. sam.png 520 1400 device 320 480 or 480 800 Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream ims null a.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams.. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT a.setImageDrawable d by using above code image leaves spaces on top and bottom..

Html.ImageGetter TextView


ImageGetter imgGetter new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromPath.. imgGetter new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromPath source.. @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromPath source try drawable.setBounds..

Android: How to stretch an image to the screen width while maintaining aspect ratio?


drawable public class Banner extends View private final Drawable logo public Banner Context context super context logo context.getResources.. context super context logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context.. .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs super..

Android - Set drawable size programatically


android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Drawable drawable LoadImageFromWebOperations apiSizeObject.getSmall resize.. here drawable.setBounds 50 50 50 50 button.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds drawable null null null java android mobile.. the drawable itself Read your drawable from somewhere Drawable dr getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.somedrawable Bitmap..

Android - Save image from URL onto SD card


CompressFormat.PNG 75 fos LOAD IMAGE FROM FILE Drawable d Drawable.createFromPath filepath return d The image is saved.. CompressFormat.PNG 75 fos LOAD IMAGE FROM FILE Drawable d Drawable.createFromPath filepath return d The image is saved to the sd..

StateListDrawable to switch colorfilters


to switch colorfilters I want to create custom buttons to use.. view inflater.inflate R.layout.tab_button null StateListDrawable drawable new StateListDrawable Drawable selected getResources.. null StateListDrawable drawable new StateListDrawable Drawable selected getResources .getDrawable icon selected.mutate..

AWT custom rendering - capture smooth resizes and eliminate resize flicker


Renderable d if d null throw new NullPointerException Drawable target cannot be null. target d @Override public void run while..

Recycle ImageView's Bitmap


ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.my_image Drawable drawable imageView.getDrawable if drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable.. findViewById R.id.my_image Drawable drawable imageView.getDrawable if drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable.. imageView.getDrawable if drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable BitmapDrawable drawable Bitmap..

Positing user current location and show it in Google maps


LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 new GeoUpdateHandler Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.point itemizedoverlay.. GeoUpdateHandler Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.point itemizedoverlay new CustomPinpoint drawable.. false CustomPinpoint itemizedoverlay public CustomPinpoint Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker @Override..