java Programming Glossary: drawingarea
Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window private int speedValue private int diameter private DrawingArea drawingArea private Timer timer private int colourCounter Color.. frame.setLocationByPlatform true drawingArea new DrawingArea x y backgroundColour foregroundColour diameter drawingArea.addComponentListener.. SwingUtilities.invokeLater runnable class DrawingArea extends JComponent private int x private int y private int ballDiameter..
Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line public class STTestMain extends JFrame STDrawingArea drawingArea new STDrawingArea public STTestMain JFrame settings setDefaultCloseOperation.. instantiation Adding things to JFrame getContentPane .add drawingArea getContentPane .add buttonContainer BorderLayout.PAGE_END pack.. ActionEvent e TODO Auto generated method stub drawingArea.changePenColor Color.RED public static void main String args..
Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window int speedValue private int diameter private DrawingArea drawingArea private Timer timer private int colourCounter Color colours.. void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae x getX y getY drawingArea.setXYColourValues x y backgroundColour foregroundColour .. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setLocationByPlatform true drawingArea new DrawingArea x y backgroundColour foregroundColour diameter..