java Programming Glossary: droid
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] is also needed to determine capabilities. For example the Droid doesn't report VBO support in its extension list. It does report..
How to retrieve a list of available/installed fonts in android? graphics Typeface.html There are only three fonts normal Droid Sans serif Droid Serif and monospace Droid Sans Mono . While.. There are only three fonts normal Droid Sans serif Droid Serif and monospace Droid Sans Mono . While there may be additional.. fonts normal Droid Sans serif Droid Serif and monospace Droid Sans Mono . While there may be additional fonts buried in WebKit..
How can an Android app use >=256Mb of RAM? A guide on how to get this game to run on a Droid where a custom ROM is require to get 256Mb of RAM free to run.. 447 How to play Dungeon Defenders on your Motorola Droid Milestone requires root How is this possible Does anyone know..
How to generate a QR Code for an Android application? library zxing not need 3rd party installers like QR Droid I already created such code for iPhone Objective C but I need..