java Programming Glossary: defining
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean provide a simple mechanism for dependency injection and defining backing beans for web pages but they are far less powerful than..
Difference between int[] array and int array[] been thinking about the difference between the two ways of defining an array int array int array Is there a difference I haven't..
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? with no extra stuff. Again Wikipedia does a good job at defining POJO POJO is an acronym for Plain Old Java Object. The name..
Why can't I declare static methods in an interface? first is the issue of declaring a static method without defining it. This is the difference between public interface Foo public..
Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java? this Developer Works Document . The document is all about defining hashCode and equals effectively and correctly but I am not able..
hibernate composite key as properties of the entity. The following assume you are defining the Employee class . composite id key property name EmployeeNumber..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? are going to handle with a particular component especially defining an action name in your own namespace com.mycompany.myapp.action.DO_SOMETHING..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? set of permissions and access to Unsafe setAccessible and defining native implementations are controlled by the SecurityManager...
How do I “decompile” Java class files? share improve this question The final release of JSR 176 defining the major features of J2SE 5.0 Java SE 5 has been published..
Use of Java [Interfaces / Abstract classes] You can think of an interface as a contract . You are defining a set of methods that classes which implement this interface..
Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property project . When I setup a project with a linked resources defining a path I always leave a big README.txt at the root of my project..
Immutable class? immutable In general an immutable object can be made by defining a class which does not have any of its members exposed and does..
Java - declaring from Interface type instead of Class exist. If the type does not exist then you may consider defining one of your own if it makes sense. In this Cat example you may..
Howto get rid of <mvc:annotation-driven />? And you can see which beans it is defining. I've done this 'exercise' not for all of them but for those..
Are static fields open for garbage collection? A class or interface may be unloaded if and only if its defining class loader may be reclaimed by the garbage collector ... Classes..
The case against checked exceptions but an essential tool in the API programmers toolbox for defining the API in the most useful way for the client programmer. But..
What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()? associated with a given class are implemented by the defining class loader of the class. This method delegates to this object's..
Creating a “logical exclusive or” operator in Java x ^^ y Question I can't find anything on how to go about defining a new operator in Java. Where should I start java operators..
What are good InstallAnywhere replacements for installing a Java EE application? or after installing any files. Also some basic things like defining the filesets that are to be copied to the target system and..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel new JLabel Select Color file1.setBounds 320 130 150 50 defining the Button Group for the Radio Buttons ButtonGroup group new..
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean for as long as they are needed until they are disposed of. Defining an EJB is simple you just add either a javax.ejb.Stateless or..
How to redirect to the homepage if the user accesses the login page after being logged in? return login else return redirect defaultTargetUrl Defining defaultTargetUrl String bean seems like a hack but I don't have..
Sending a message to all running client threads points in the server Keeping a list of connected clients. Defining a thread for server input. Defining a queue of the received.. of connected clients. Defining a thread for server input. Defining a queue of the received messages. A thread polling from the.. utility methods for sending messages. And for the client Defining a thread for client input. Defining a queue of the received..
What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files? to the beginnings and ends of pages . See the example here Defining implicit includes Tag File is an indirect method of content..
Problem in displaying nodes through PREFUSE library for Java? and then use a DataShapeAction to assign different shapes. Defining a new shape is certainly possible but will require some more..
Why would I use a templating engine? jsp include and jstl vs tiles, freemarker, velocity, sitemesh @ include file header.jsp and tiles insert page header.jsp Defining parameters in the header like title meta tags etc. This is very..
What is the use of package level protection in java? good uses for package level visibility in my experience 1 Defining internal classes in a public API. Commonly you would define..
The purpose of interfaces continued different objects. That's what interfaces are best for. Defining certain abilities that cut across multiple inheritance hierarchies..
What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()? to use it with Collections.sort or Arrays.sort methods. Defining a Comparator object You can create Comparators to sort any arbitrary.. with a natural order is not just ordered but sorted . Defining a natural order can be difficult as in natural String order..
Eclipse RCP: Actions VS Commands handler in the memory. Even without loading your plugin Defining the parameters is all about returning a map of display names..
Add a web service to a already available Java project The below examples were written with Java 6. An example of Defining your web service import javax.jws.WebMethod import javax.jws.WebService..
Defining a class while a Java application is running a class while a Java application is running In Java is it possible..