java Programming Glossary: damn
Java Instance Variables vs Local Variables int greenCount idea.counter Same thing happened Damn but I was being so smart and saving memory and the code uses..
Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line automatically. This is also known as a 'Headless Build'. Damn hard to figure out. If you're not using a win32 exe you can..
Why filename in java should be same as class name? never good not allowing you to split classes between files Damn hard to work with etc. I really wish they had gone a few further...
Arithmetic operations with Java Generics
Displaying data from database in JTable 15 seconds. Page ... wait ... page ... oops There it was Damn Wait wait wait ... back ... wait ... aaargh. Also databases..
How to calculate the difference between two Java java.sql.Timestamps? while milliseconds in the time field will modify nanos Damn this API is a mess result.setNanos diffNanos return result Unit..
Quickly compare a string against a Collection in Java an article discussing them http 2007 4 Damn Cool Algorithms Part 1 BK Trees . A quick Google yields some..