java Programming Glossary: customtreenode
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener DefaultTreeCellEditor e.getSource This gives me the error. CustomTreeNode node What do I put here node.getResource .setName String node.getUserObject.. e.getSource .getLastPath This gives me the error. CustomTreeNode node CustomTreeNode path.getLastPathComponent node.getResource.. .getLastPath This gives me the error. CustomTreeNode node CustomTreeNode path.getLastPathComponent node.getResource .setName String node.getUserObject..
JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups r.nextInt chars.length return builder.toString package com.ehsunbehravesh.swing import javax.swing.ImageIcon.. javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode public class CustomTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode The icon which is displayed on.. open close leaf icon. private ImageIcon icon public CustomTreeNode ImageIcon icon this.icon icon public CustomTreeNode ImageIcon..