java Programming Glossary: curve
What are the differences between BDD frameworks for Java? [closed] tightly coupled to the html. EasyB Very shallow learning curve even for non Groovy Developers Extremely powerful DBUnit integration.. and discussion of it on web. Quite a steep learning curve took me 3 4 times longer to figure out than Concordion EasyB..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? external libraries because it would increase the learning curve for myself and others who work on the project and the company..
What's the best mock framework for Java? [closed] learning about JMock and EasyMock I found the learning curve to be a bit steep though maybe that's just me . I like Mockito..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? makes the life easier but still it's another learning curve and it can end up to be still verbose. Here's an example which..
CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances s with a CubicCurve2D otherwise known as a cubic bezier curve . The overall effect I'm trying to achive is an interface similar.. to achive is an interface similar to Yahoo Pipes the curve should go from the bottom of one internal frame to the top of.. into is that I cannot figure how to draw an updating curve in a way which is visible to the user. Drawing to and then repainting..
Java Swing or Java Qt? [closed] 1996 but not anymore today. Qt has a much steeper learning curve and the API is much more consistent not to mention that Qt has..
Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line question One way Use your ArrayList to draw the current curve as it is being drawn but Use a BufferedImage to draw your completed.. being drawn but Use a BufferedImage to draw your completed curves You would do this on mouseReleased and would draw the current.. would do this on mouseReleased and would draw the current curve to the BufferedImage using the current color. You'll also need..
javac option to compile recursively projects. The drawback is that it has a steep learning curve and if Maven plugins like to suppress errors Another thing is..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool of Use Ibatis is about SQL. If you know SQL the learning curve for ibatis is trivial. Ibatis does some things on top of SQL..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger you will have long sections of a straight line then sharp curves. If there are any other solutions it would be great to hear.. for any help in advance. java android touch interpolation curve fitting share improve this question An easy solution as..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? very straight forwardly and has a very shallow learning curve. Assuming you're already familiar with XML you should be able..
How to handle authentication/authorization with users in a database? so most likely 100 robust. Disadvantages Some learning curve. See also JSF2 Shiro tutorial an extensive tutorial on integrating..