

java Programming Glossary: cyclic

Jackson - serialization of entities with birectional relationships (avoiding cycles)


improve this question Jackson 2.0 does support full cyclic object references. See Jackson 2.0 released section 'Handle..

What is an efficient algorithm to find whether a singly linked list is circular/cyclic or not?


algorithm to find whether a singly linked list is circular cyclic or not How can i find whether a singly linked list is circular.. How can i find whether a singly linked list is circular cyclic or not I Tried searching but couldn't find a satisfactory solution...

Shortest path (fewest nodes) for unweighted graph


this question Actually your code will not finish in cyclic graphs consider graph 1 2 1. You must have some array where..

JAXB Mapping cyclic references to XML


Mapping cyclic references to XML I have an object graph that contains a cycle...

Can I use java.util.LinkedList to construct a circular/cyclic linked list?


I use java.util.LinkedList to construct a circular cyclic linked list I would like to create a circular cyclic linked.. cyclic linked list I would like to create a circular cyclic linked list where the tail of the list would point back to the.. tail node after creation of the list to make it circular cyclic If so can you show me some code on how that would happen If..

Self injection with Spring


Service self but I don't understand how it resolves the cyclic dependency. EDIT Here's the error message. The OP mentioned..

Investigation of optimal sleep time calculation in game loop


engine share improve this question You could use a cyclic timer associated with a mutex . This is IHMO the most efficient..

Interview: Remove Loop in linked list - Java


pointer reference of this element to null to correct the cyclic link list not circular linked list which is where the last elements.. back to the first this would be a specific instance of cyclic lists . Floyd's cycle detect algorithm also called the tortoise..

java package cycle detection: how to find the specific classes involved?


What tool would you recommend to detect java package cyclic dependencies knowing that the goal is to list explicitly the.. but they both fail to list the classes involved in a cyclic package dependency. Metrics has an interesting graphical representation..

Find unused classes in a Java Eclipse project


code final protected or private. Bonus it can also find cyclic dependencies between classes also a number of other tools including..