java Programming Glossary: completeness
Inferred wildcard generics in return type . Is this right Is there a way to work around this For completeness sake here is a simplified version of the Pair class public final..
Why do floating points have signed zeros? brought up already. I've included them for the sake of completeness Wikipedia article on signed zero What Every Computer Scientist.. - Recreating directory structure The above code will emit the string path myfile.txt . For completeness here is a zip method for archiving a directory public static..
Application is using Java 6 from Apple instead of Java 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X? from Contents Java directory. Just for completeness this is how Info.plist looks like this xml version 1.0 DOCTYPE..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? that's not the case so his answer is fine. However for completeness I must add this if you are trying to keep things absolutely..
The best CLI parser for Java [duplicate] arenn hacking download.html EDIT For completeness here are some others I've come across JOpt Simple http jopt..
Benefits and drawbacks of method chaining and a possibility to replace all void return parameters by the object itself
Overriding the java equals() method quirk bug that took me a very long time to track down. Just for completeness I wasn't using an IDE or debugger just good old fashioned text..
Java: Multi-dimensional array vs. One-dimensional benchmarking only after the 20th run of the same loop. For completeness my java VM is the following java version 1.6.0_17 Java TM SE..
Using Java to get OS-level system information for but I thought I would provide it for the sake of completeness. Here is a small example. Edit You can also get disk usage information..
Remove duplicates from a list obj return this.customerId.equals other.customerId For completeness you should also implement hashCode so that two Customer objects..
Why does int num = Integer.getInteger(“123”) throw NullPointerException? use similar names for wildly different behaviors For completeness there are also these methods that are analogous to Integer.getInteger..
What is simplest way to read a file into String? of more typical usage Third party library options For completeness these are some really good options if you have these very reputable..
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do? from @thomas pornin 's answer to exactly same question for completeness Thread interruption is a gentle way to nudge a thread. It is..
java: how to both read and write to & from process thru pipe (stdin/stdout) n to Java on the way back and things run smoothly. for the completeness of the question and answer here's a working Java code import..
A Java collection of value pairs? (tuples?) in multiple places on the Net with varying degrees of completeness and feature. My example above is intended to be immutable. ..
Calling awt Frame methods from subclass ' t' Checkout the public void mousePressed method. For completeness I am also including public class Main public static..
Where to put global rules validation in DDD entity .Select rule GetMessageForBrokenRule rule ... For completeness the interfaces public interface IValidator T bool IsValid T..
What's causing my Connection reset? are welcome. The whole call stack is included below for completeness. com.companyname.mtix.sms is our component
Creating a jar file from a Scala file batch script Scala code runner version . For completeness an equivalent bash script # bin bash if SCALA_HOME then echo..