java Programming Glossary: communicate
Understanding JSF as a MVC framework and C are a maximum connected graph meaning each part can communicate with every other part. E.g. if the model changes it can push..
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem ''. Array So the request was succesfull I was able to communicate with server however PHP didn't notice the file the method is_uploaded_file..
Java Python Integration anyone used that before My other thought is to use JNI to communicate with the C bindings for Python. Any thoughts on the best way..
Java HTTPS client certificate authentication will determine which endpoints you will be allowed to communicate with in this case it will allow your client to connect to whichever..
Communication between two separate Java desktop applications other application is already running I want them to just communicate i.e. I dont want to just pass arguments over the command line.. question To show how easy it is to let two applications communicate with each other check out this network clipboard demo using..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] I imagine writing a custom protocol for two clients to communicate. Basically I am thinking of a networked iPhone app but I didn't..
Java applet manifest - Allow all Caller-Allowable-Codebase intranets at various locations. This applet also needs to communicate with javascript because it talks to local USB scales and displays..
How do you embed binary data in XML? data in XML I have two applications written in Java that communicate with each other using XML messages over the network. I'm using..
HttpGet with HTTPS : SSLPeerUnverifiedException I receive the following error when attempting to communicate over HTTPS Exception in thread main
How to read XML response from a URL in java? Document doc db.parse new URL url .openStream But to communicate over http from server to client I prefer using hessian library..
Producer/Consumer threads using a Queue all your Consumers in another ExecutorService If necessary communicate between the two using a BlockingQueue . I say if necessary for..
Can the JVM recover from an OutOfMemoryError without a restart reason they can do this in Erlang is that Erlang processes communicate using strict CSP like primitives i.e. there is no sharing of..
Deserializing an abstract class in Gson During the deserialization process how can I communicate to Gson which concrete class to implement when deserializing.. field when the object is in serialized form and somehow communicate the type to Gson Thanks java json abstract class gson share..
C# version of java's synchronized keyword? usage and allows use of Monitor.Wait Monitor.Pulse etc to communicate between threads. A related blog entry later revisited . share..
How to use the GWT EventBus example with MVP than different parts sometimes need to communicate. Typical communication is sending status changes e.g. user logged..
Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool and represents the list of trusted parties you intend to communicate with . Well that's my first assumption so if that's not correct..
Android REST client, Sample? call. In addition I chose to use a Callback mechanism to communicate the result of the AsyncTask s back to the app. Enough of text...
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? Just a little background I need to get a main server to communicate with several servers using HTTPS. Obviously we don't want to..
Packing embedded database in jar file apache derby as jar executable using eclipse Here is my import import import java.sql.Statement public class Communicate private static final String dbURL jdbc derby imagesDB create.. or manifest classpath. Use the following code to test your Communicate class. import import
What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files? page. Access all the objects available to JSP pages. Communicate with each other. You can create and initialize a JavaBeans component..
How to open a Windows named pipe from Java?
Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?) the options of my APP Communicate with your APP here ... Stop JVM java.destroy catch Throwable..