java Programming Glossary: comparisons
Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java into some problems. My first thought was just to do string comparisons on the expected and actual messages. This doens't work very..
Any tutorial or code for Tf Idf in java compare all documents against each other is to do only X^2 comparisons this shouldn't take particularly long for 10 000. Remember that..
Java Enum definition implements Comparable E . The base class is able to do the comparisons in the case of enums but it can make sure that it only compares..
How Best to Compare Two Collections in Java and Act on Them? necessarily the content. The current legacy code does many comparisons to figure out removeSet addSet updateSet startSet and endSet..
Shortcut “or-assignment” (|=) operator in Java or assignment&rdquo operator in Java I have a long set of comparisons to do in Java and I'd like to know if one or more of them come.. if one or more of them come out as true. The string of comparisons was long and difficult to read so I broke it up for readability..
non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context Finds a specific number in the list n t3 Prints how many comparisons were needed n t0 Quit n n n System.out.println menu System.out.print.. static void printCount System.out.println Total number of comparisons is compareCount end of printCount end of class java variables..
Is it guaranteed that new Integer(i) == i in Java? object. The question is about the first 3 lines are those comparisons guaranteed to be on the primitive int with the Integer auto.. would be auto boxed instead and reference identity comparisons are performed which would all then be false java comparison..
Remove duplicates from a list a list with N customers you will need to perform N N 1 2 comparisons in the worst case i.e. when there are no duplicates. For a more..
How slow are Java exceptions? seen anything out there in the way of code sample test comparisons or results in the last year or two that show exception handling..
How to solve circular reference in json serializer caused by hibernate bidirectional mapping? track of which objects you've seen so far using identity comparisons to prevent yourself from traversing down an infinite cycle...
java: Integer equals vs. == case the code successfully made it past about 20 comparisons but failed on 2. The problem was consistently reproducible...
What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()? to create a Comparator object for the following Multiple comparisons . To provide several different ways to sort something. For example..
C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#) on VENUS is 158.374842 etc ... c# java enums language comparisons share improve this question Enumerations in the CLR are..
Difference between ==, .equals(), and instanceof [duplicate] thing but can be overridden to perform different equality comparisons. i.e. strings are considered equal if they have the same characters..
What sort does Java Collections.sort(nodes) use? of 4 nodes by sequence number and the sort is doing 6 comparisons. I am puzzled because 6 4 log 4 . Can someone explain this to.. this question O n log n doesn't mean that the number of comparisons will be equal to or less than n log n just that the time taken..
Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? layout dispatch field access serialization identity comparisons verifiability reflection generics and probably lots of other..