java Programming Glossary: communication
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? this is back in the 1800s before long distance or radio communication. You are the operator of a junction and you hear a train coming...
Sending a message to all running client threads sockets share improve this question While communication between clients are fairly complicated I'll try to simplify..
Communication between two separate Java desktop applications in data that can then be edited and passed back i.e. the communication will be two way. If the other application is already running.. should I be looking at in order to achieve this java communication share improve this question To show how easy it is to let..
How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient? I read Once you have JSSE correctly installed secure HTTP communication over SSL should be as simple as plain HTTP communication. And.. communication over SSL should be as simple as plain HTTP communication. And some example HttpClient httpclient new HttpClient GetMethod..
Secure HTTP Post in Android I indeed registered the wrong socket factory for https communication. Here is the updated method that I use to create my HttpClient..
Why must wait() always be in synchronized block sense when there is also a notify so it's always about communication between threads and that needs synchronization to work correctly...
Can the JVM recover from an OutOfMemoryError without a restart Thread #1 due to the OOME gets turned into an inter thread communication failure notification to Thread #2. Erlang does this ... but..
Reading streams from java Runtime.exec something ... . Anyway here is what I came up with. Handle communication with a process reading its output error and feeding its input..
Calling Java from Python . The other part runs in the Java VM you want to call. The communication is done through sockets instead of JNI and Py4J has its own..
Do websockets allow for p2p (browser to browser) communication? websockets allow for p2p browser to browser communication To clarify when I ask about browser to browser communication.. To clarify when I ask about browser to browser communication I mean without a server in between forwarding message. I would..
What is object serialization? [closed] be easily saved to persistent storage or streamed across a communication link. The byte stream can then be deserialised converted into..
using serial port RS-232 in android? I might face problems java android embedded serial port communication share improve this question I just ported the JavaCOMM GNU..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM while twoHalfs 1 return buf.toString And this is the communication with the server with the sent and received messages PM SENT..
How to use the GWT EventBus different parts sometimes need to communicate. Typical communication is sending status changes e.g. user logged in loged out. user..
Is it possible to code a device driver in Java? memory locations which would make a lot of hardware communication pretty tricky. But that could be worked around too perhaps by..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) to stick into file names for archival easy to refer to in communication etc... or should it be long and full of usernames datestamps..
Using MessagePack with Android ypa3nrr64kzsyfsa . Important I've only tested synchronous communication. Asynchronous might not work. And here's the reason for msgpack..
@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL gives Jboss error on Netbeans . See also ViewParam vs @ManagedProperty value # Communication in JSF 2.0 processing GET request parameters share improve..
Communication between Java and Haskell between Java and Haskell I googled and got some answers that..
Communication between two separate Java desktop applications between two separate Java desktop applications I'm looking..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android for Client Server Communication in Android I'm currently in the research phase of my dissertation..
fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++ low latency method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C C I have a Java app connecting through TCP..
Java Serial Communication on Windows Serial Communication on Windows I've been looking around for a Java API that can..
Java RS-232 Communication on Windows RS 232 Communication on Windows Does anyone know of a good Java API for controlling..
JSTL c:forEach causes @ViewScoped bean to invoke @PostConstruct on every request forEach with ui repeat as you already found out. See also Communication in JSF 2.0 @ViewScoped fails in taghandlers JSTL in JSF2 Facelets.....
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? otherwise you must turn off partial state saving. See also Communication in JSF 2.0 @ViewScoped fails in tag handlers To see some real..
Communication between local JVMs between local JVMs My question What approach could should I..
Android UDP Communication UDP Communication I've read many posts on this site on how to receive UDP packets..
Applet - Servlet Communication Servlet Communication I have abandoned my earlier quest to make the applet communicate..
How to choose the right bean scope?
Making Distinctions Between Different Kinds of JSF Managed-Beans the right approach see also Create Hello World in Eclipse Communication in JSF 2 right they are JSF2 targeted but this approach applies..
@PostConstruct method is called even if the ManagedBean has already been instantiated (e.g. on AJAX-calls) binding # viewScopedBean.someComponent See also Communication in JSF 2.0 @ViewScoped fails in tag handlers share improve..
How to send data to COM PORT using JAVA? [duplicate] PORT using JAVA duplicate Possible Duplicate Java Serial Communication on Windows Friends I want to connect and transfer data to COM.. or framework for accessing Serial ports Java Serial Communication on Windows to reference a few. Personally I recommend SerialPort..
Why do I need to nest a component with rendered=“#{some}” in another component when I want to ajax-update it? tree and thus always obtainable by JavaScript. See also Communication in JSF2 Ajax rendering of content which is by itself conditionally..