java Programming Glossary: comparing
Sort on a string that may contain a number Strings however with one twist. If the two strings it is comparing are the same at the beginning and end of the string are the.. the end until I find a bit that doesn't match and then comparing the bit in the middle to the regular expression 0 9 and if it..
Java - Find a line in a file and remove while currentLine reader.readLine null trim newline when comparing with lineToRemove String trimmedLine currentLine.trim if trimmedLine.equals..
Java Hashmap: How to get key from value? set whose type is Map.Entry iterate through the entries comparing the stored value against the expected and obtain the corresponding..
Java: What is the difference between implementing Comparable and Comparator? [closed] vs Comparable Comparable A comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements.. instances. Comparator A comparator object is capable of comparing two different objects. The class is not comparing its instances.. of comparing two different objects. The class is not comparing its instances but some other class ™s instances. This comparator..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? comparing two Integers in Java does auto unboxing occur I know that if.. comparison will work. However What happens when you are comparing two boxed Integers and want to compare either equality or less..
Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness FileChannel way is slower. Can I please know more details comparing these two methods. Here is the code I used the file that I am..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] Matt Raible's presentations he really did a great job at comparing web frameworks showing their strengths and weakness gathering..
Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator? reason that this is not a dupe is that most of these are comparing loops where you call get i inside the loop rather than using..
TreeMap sort by value 0 new Integer 0 prints false Related questions When comparing two Integers in Java does auto unboxing occur NO Is it guaranteed..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? libraries. I'm hoping that some people have spent some comparing these libraries and can share what they've learned. Here's what..
String comparison and String interning in Java way e.g. you're using string values fetched from a set but comparing them for some other reason You know you're dealing with compile..
How does a HashMap work in Java? that you gave with the keys of all pairs in the bucket by comparing them with equals . Now you can see how this is very efficient..
Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading? [closed]
Difference Between Equals and == operator which handles it will behave like Java i.e. comparing for reference equality . However if there's an overload which..
Java comparison with == of two strings is false? parts 0 This is true with any other object in Java when comparing values always use the equals method rather than using the operator...
Comparing a char to a code-point? a char to a code point What is the correct way of comparing..
Java: Comparing two string arrays and removing elements that exist in both arrays Comparing two string arrays and removing elements that exist in both arrays..
How to test for equality of complex object graphs? you where the objects differ. e.g. from the XMLUnit doc Comparing test xml to control xml different Expected element tag name..
Java - Common Gotchas [closed] .NET Common gotchas java share improve this question Comparing equality of objects using instead of .equals which behaves completely..
Comparing Java enum members: == or equals()? Java enum members or equals I know that Java enums are compiled..
Comparing strings in java strings in java String string1 Hi there String string2 Hi String..
Comparing strings with == which are declared final in Java strings with which are declared final in Java I have a simple..
Comparing StringBuffer content with equals StringBuffer content with equals StringBuffer sb1 new StringBuffer..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] gathering facts and numbers showing trends... I recommend Comparing JSF Spring MVC Stripes Struts 2 Tapestry and Wicket still not.. GWT Rails and Grails just to get a taste of alternatives Comparing Kick Ass Web Frameworks this one is the most recent Really have..
JTable won't show column headers scrTbl.setRowHeight 23 add scrTbl rest of constructor ... Comparing this to other table making code I don't see any missing steps..
' … != null' or 'null != …' best performance? micro optimization share improve this question Comparing the generated bytecodes is mostly meaningless since most of..
Comparing the values of two generic Numbers the values of two generic Numbers I want to compare to variables..
When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel? 2009 10 apache camel alternatives.html Comparing Camel with other solutions October 2009 http
problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double arg1 TODO Auto generated method stub System.out.println Comparing Integer arg0 arg0 arg1 arg1 boolean empty1 arg0 EMPTY_ROW boolean..
Comparing strings by their alphabetical order strings by their alphabetical order Good afternoon String s1..
comparing float/double values using == operator point values using the equals operator Explanation Comparing floating point values by using either the equality or inequality..
How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive? String tmp new ArrayList String for int i 1 i len i Log.d Comparing fruits i .charAt 0 currChar if fruits i .charAt 0 currChar ..
Comparing functionality between KeyListeners and Key Bindings functionality between KeyListeners and Key Bindings This question..
Good alternative to shared memory IPC for Java/C++ apps on Linux sockets semaphores and message queues. See this question Comparing unix lixux IPC for more information. What is the interaction..