java Programming Glossary: canceled
getting the cancel event of Java ProgressMonitor you want to periodically check if the ProgressMonitor was canceled. It's your job to check that at points where it makes sense.. method so that it also checks if the ProgressMonitor was canceled. Here's a demo that shows how this works import java.awt. import.. i 0 While still doing work and progress monitor wasn't canceled while i 100 pm.isCanceled System.out.println i publish i..
How to run a background job method at fixed intervals? them if you want. Task which threw exception will be canceled but other tasks will continue to run. share improve this answer..
Updating TableView row appearance This style class is added when the user mark the item as canceled public class ItemCanceladoCellFactory implements Callback TableColumn.. There is another problem here the row marked as canceled only changes the color when the user adds or removes an element..
Which Java GUI framework to choose now? [closed] What is your Gui library framework of choice EDIT Sun has canceled swingx project. From the forum comments on http
How can I abort a running JDBC transaction? all the other JDBC calls. You can handle that after the canceled Statement.execute... call completes with a JDBCException due..
Java Timer vs ExecutorService? ThreadPoolExecutor . Task which threw exception will be canceled but other tasks will continue to run. If you can use ScheduledThreadExecutor..
Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText this Mail canceled. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText this Plz try..