java Programming Glossary: cancel
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted PauseableThread is a Thread with pause resume and cancel methods. The meat of the process must implement `step`. You.. ReadWriteLock pause new ReentrantReadWriteLock Flag to cancel the wholeprocess. private volatile boolean cancelled false The.. Flag to cancel the wholeprocess. private volatile boolean cancelled false The exception that caused it to finish. private Exception..
Basic File upload in GWT GWT.log UPLOADING FILE null NOW WHAT else event.cancel cancel the event form.addSubmitCompleteHandler new FormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler.. GWT.log UPLOADING FILE null NOW WHAT else event.cancel cancel the event form.addSubmitCompleteHandler new FormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler..
Timer & TimerTask versus Thread + sleep in Java much better i.e. code readability and it already has the cancel feature implemented. Note that it can be written in a shorter..
Stop a stopwatch java timer share improve this question You can either cancel the entire Timer by calling Timer.cancel or you can cancel individual.. You can either cancel the entire Timer by calling Timer.cancel or you can cancel individual tasks by calling TimerTask.cancel.. cancel the entire Timer by calling Timer.cancel or you can cancel individual tasks by calling TimerTask.cancel . Either way you'll..
ExecutorService that interrupts tasks after a timeout runningTasks.remove r if timeoutTask null timeoutTask.cancel false class TimeoutTask implements Runnable private final Thread.. created. After that you can submit a new task that would cancel the retained future after some period of time. ScheduledExecutorService.. ... executor.schedule new Runnable public void run handler.cancel 10000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS This will execute your handler..
JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure textArea getContentPane .add scrollPane JButton cancel new JButton Cancel cancel.addActionListener this JButton ok.. .add scrollPane JButton cancel new JButton Cancel cancel.addActionListener this JButton ok new JButton Ok ok.setPreferredSize.. this JButton ok new JButton Ok ok.setPreferredSize cancel.getPreferredSize ok.addActionListener this JPanel buttons..
How cancel the execution of a SwingWorker? cancel the execution of a SwingWorker Currently I have two SwingWorker.. thread of the doInBackground if an exception occurs this.cancel true don't destroy close the thread. How can I achieve this.. some code here return true catch Exception e this.cancel true this not cancel the thread return false I see these threads..
How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker? course of posting events to the EDT. Let the controller cancel and schedule the card reader model in response to view gestures...
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel draw_layer static JTextField user static JButton reset cancel static JLabel file1 file2 static JTextField text1 static JRadioButton.. group new ButtonGroup group.add circle group.add square cancel new JButton Exit cancel.setBounds 365 250 85 25 file2 new JLabel.. group.add circle group.add square cancel new JButton Exit cancel.setBounds 365 250 85 25 file2 new JLabel SIZE file2.setBounds..
The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? focus attention on the content of that dialog choose fix cancel this then proceed. Multiple frames do not. A dialog or floating..
How to make SWT/JFace dialogs which show similar behaviour(layouts) under all window resolutions cancel getButton IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID cancel.setText Cancel setButtonLayoutData cancel public void okPressed this.close..
Disable ok button on JOptionPane.dialog until user gives an input okay.setEnabled false final JButton cancel new JButton Cancel cancel.addActionListener new ActionListener @Override public..
Android color picker to be included in the activity int which mPaint.setColor d.getColor d.setButton2 Cancel new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void.. the paint to your paint object and use the same to draw. Cancel will dismiss the color picker dialog. Edit 3 Only change instead..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? Basic Authentication .setView llayout .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener.. handler.proceed userName userPass .setNegativeButton Cancel new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface..
Android: Prompt user to save changes when Back button is pressed .setTitle R.string.rating_exit_title .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener.. DialogInterface dialog int whichButton User selects Cancel discard all changes .show Am I on the right track or is there..
Session management using Hibernate in a Swing application entity associated with this radiobox then when user clicks Cancel we're in trouble session is already updated. The right way as..
How to act upon hitting “Enter” when on “Cancel” button in JFileChooser? to act upon hitting &ldquo Enter&rdquo when on &ldquo Cancel&rdquo button in JFileChooser I have a JFileChooser in a JFrame.. added an ActionListener to the JFileChooser so that the Cancel button works when clicked. I can also tab to the Cancel button.. Cancel button works when clicked. I can also tab to the Cancel button but when I then hit the Enter key nothing happens i.e...
JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure getContentPane .add scrollPane JButton cancel new JButton Cancel cancel.addActionListener this JButton ok new JButton Ok ok.setPreferredSize..
Does this applet work in an Iced Tea JRE? looks like your applet code is not even loaded if I press Cancel in the dialog box. I think there is nothing you can do here.. To be fair the buttons in the dialog box are Run and Cancel not Run with all permissions and Run sandboxed . In Sun's dialog..
How cancel the execution of a SwingWorker?
Java - how do I prevent WindowClosing from actually closing the window wants to save YES and NO handle OK but if the user hits Cancel on any file I want to abort the close process So if any of.. I want to abort the close process So if any of them hit Cancel I set close to false if close frame.dispose System.exit 0 ..
Java - How to create a custom dialog box? It takes care of the placement and localization of OK Cancel options and is a quick and dirty way to show a custom dialog..
Why does setSelected on JCheckBox lose effect? JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION field1.setText SELECTED Cancel btn else if returnVal JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION field1.setText..