java Programming Glossary: bytes.length
Java: File to Hex? String toHexFromBytes final byte bytes if bytes null bytes.length 0 return there are 2 hex digits per byte StringBuilder hexBuffer.. digits per byte StringBuilder hexBuffer new StringBuilder bytes.length 2 for each byte convert it to hex and append it to the buffer.. it to hex and append it to the buffer for int i 0 i bytes.length i hexBuffer.append toHexFromByte bytes i return hexBuffer.toString..
Guessing the encoding of text represented as byte[] in Java null detector.handleData bytes 0 bytes.length detector.dataEnd String encoding detector.getDetectedCharset..
getOutputStream() has already been called for this response byte bytes buffer.toByteArray response.setContentLength bytes.length for int i 0 i bytes.length i dataOutput.writeByte bytes i catch.. response.setContentLength bytes.length for int i 0 i bytes.length i dataOutput.writeByte bytes i catch DocumentException e e.printStackTrace..
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java code value. public final byte getBytes final int length bytes.length final byte result new byte length Make a defensive copy System.arraycopy.. skipBOM throws IOException if skipped in.skip bom.bytes.length skipped true return this @inheritDoc public int read throws..
How can I generate a .torrent in Java? out throws IOException out.write Integer.toString bytes.length .getBytes US ASCII out.write ' ' out.write bytes private static..
Going from to 2130706433, and back again String to int int pack byte bytes int val 0 for int i 0 i bytes.length i val 8 val bytes i 0xff return val pack InetAddress.getByName..
Fast compression in Java? throws IOException OutputStream out new ByteOutputStream bytes.length Deflater def new Deflater Deflator.BEST_SPEED DeflaterOutputStream.. System.nanoTime int count 0 int size 5 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length size i size count dos.write bytes i size dos.flush dos.close..
How do I convert Long to byte[] and back in java static long bytesToLong byte bytes buffer.put bytes 0 bytes.length buffer.flip need flip return buffer.getLong share improve..
converting Java bitmap to byte array b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException e always happens do something..
byte array to short array and back again in java you try ByteBuffer. byte bytes short shorts new short bytes.length 2 to turn bytes to shorts as either big endian or little endian...
Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array byte bytes new byte byteValues.length for int i 0 len bytes.length i len i bytes i Byte.valueof byteValues i .trim String str new..
FileOutputStream.close is really slow when writing large file byte bytes new byte 32 1024 for long l 0 l 500 1000 1000 l bytes.length fos.write bytes long mid System.nanoTime System.out.printf Took..
Convert from byte array to hex string in java static String bytesToHex byte bytes char hexChars new char bytes.length 2 for int j 0 j bytes.length j int v bytes j 0xFF hexChars j.. bytes char hexChars new char bytes.length 2 for int j 0 j bytes.length j int v bytes j 0xFF hexChars j 2 hexArray v 4 hexChars j 2..