java Programming Glossary: bytearrayinputstream
How to serialize an object into a string s ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream new ByteArrayInputStream data Object o ois.readObject ois.close return o Write the object..
Reliable data serving unnecessarily store the entire data in memory e.g. in a ByteArrayInputStream or byte before emitting them to the output. Just write the bytes..
Java Serializable Object to Byte Array ex ignore close exception Create object from bytes ByteArrayInputStream bis new ByteArrayInputStream yourBytes ObjectInput in null try.. Create object from bytes ByteArrayInputStream bis new ByteArrayInputStream yourBytes ObjectInput in null try in new ObjectInputStream bis..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] use streams true st.setBinaryStream index new ByteArrayInputStream internalValue internalValue.length else use streams false st.setBytes..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API audioData The stream wrapper for the audioData. private ByteArrayInputStream inputStream Loop count set by the calling code. private int.. afTemp inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream audioData @Override public void open AudioFormat format byte.. for int ii 0 ii input.length ii input ii data offset ii ByteArrayInputStream inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream input try AudioInputStream..
Detect silence when recording byte audio out.toByteArray InputStream input new ByteArrayInputStream audio try final AudioFormat format getFormat final AudioInputStream..
Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java .newInstance .newDocumentBuilder .parse new ByteArrayInputStream node value node .getBytes .getDocumentElement share improve..
How do you play a long AudioClip? audioData The stream wrapper for the audioData. private ByteArrayInputStream inputStream Loop count set by the calling code. private int.. afTemp inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream audioData @Override public void open AudioFormat format byte.. for int ii 0 ii input.length ii input ii data offset ii ByteArrayInputStream inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream input try AudioInputStream..