java Programming Glossary: buy
Do spurious wakeups actually happen? threads will each enjoy a nice hot spurious wakeup . I buy it. That's an easier pill to swallow than the typically vague..
Why shouldn't I call setVisible(true) before adding components? suggestion that I highly recommend Filthy Rich Clients buy Guy and Haase. Just buy it You won't regret the purchase. share.. recommend Filthy Rich Clients buy Guy and Haase. Just buy it You won't regret the purchase. share improve this answer..
What is the best method to capture images from a live video device for use by a Java-based application? to this question at this point I am strongly inclined to buy appliances such as the Axis video encoders rather than trying..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? of the message p jsp body t genericpage What does that buy you A lot really but it gets even better WEB INF tags userpage.tag..
mathematical optimization library for Java — free or open source recommendations? [closed] problems. Do I have to write my own implementations or buy one of those commercial products CPLEX and the like java matlab..
Servlet Redirection to same page with error message page. The following is the scenario Suppose a user want to buy an item so he fills in the amount and submits it. The form is..
Benefits of 64bit Java platform 4 GB one you can get with 32 bit. If you can afford to buy that amount of RAM Some JVMs can work with compressed references..
best practice for passing many arguments to method?
“Automatic updates” for Java (desktop) application? and also NetBeans RCP has something here. Do one have to buy wholly into their respective RCP stuff to use their module and..
How to discover a File's creation time with Java? Update In the end I don't think it's worth it for me to buy the third party library but their API does seem pretty good..
Java EE Architecture - Are DAO's still recommended when using an ORM like JPA 2? to use an in memory database. So at the end I just don't buy this argument. It separates business logic from database access.. don't see how a DAO separate things better . Again I don't buy this argument. And to my experience changing the underlying..
Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM AtomicReference likely clears up any uncertainty and may buy you other benefits depending on what you need to get done in..
Programmatically convert a video to FLV [closed] to host transcode and stream flv files and don't want to buy a video transcoding application you can call out to FFMpeg MEncoder..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used active pages in RAM and the only cures for swapping are 1 buy more memory or 2 reduce the number of processes so it's best..
JPA Implementations - Which one is the best to use? [closed] is slightly crippled as it seems Orcale wants you to use buy their more advanced library. Trying to download it was also..
Barcode Scanner implementation on Java Scanners or give any advice such as which Scanner to buy that would help alot. Cheers java events action barcode scanner..
Why learn Perl, Python, Ruby if the company is using C++, C# or Java as the application language? [closed] procedures automatically. It is always better to get buy in for a code generator. But even if you don't is it more fun..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? several servers using HTTPS. Obviously we don't want to buy SSL certificates for every server there could be many so I want..
How to “scan” a website (or page) for info, and bring it into my program? page I want info from for the sake of simplicity a Best Buy item page how would I get the appropriate info I need off of..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell columnNames Type Company Shares Price Boolean Object data Buy IBM new Integer 1000 new Double 80.5 Boolean.TRUE Sell Dell.. Sell Apple new Integer 3000 new Double 7.35 Boolean.TRUE Buy MicroSoft new Integer 4000 new Double 27.50 Boolean.FALSE Short.. final long serialVersionUID 1L private Object columnNames Buy Sell Type SubType Ccy1 Amount1 Ccy2 Amount2 DealId private Object..
JTable with JPopupMenu columnNames Type Company Shares Price Boolean Object data Buy IBM new Integer 1000 new Double 80.50 false Sell MicroSoft.. true Sell Apple new Integer 3000 new Double 7.35 true Buy Nortel new Integer 4000 new Double 20.00 false DefaultTableModel..