java Programming Glossary: bytebuffers
Memory-mapped files in Java this question Did anyone actually check to see if ByteBuffers created by memory mapping support invoking .array in the first..
Use JNI instead of JNA to call native code? As for memory copying I believe JNA supports direct ByteBuffers so memory copying can be avoided. So I still believe that wherever..
Wrapping a ByteBuffer with an InputStream for ByteBufferInputStream. Basically they wrap one or more ByteBuffers and keep track of an index into them that records how much has..
How do I convert Long to byte[] and back in java Or wrapped in a class to avoid repeatedly creating ByteBuffers public class ByteUtils private static ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate..
System.gc() calls by core APIs NIO. I believe that is done to do some cleanup for direct ByteBuffers when system runs out of direct memory. RMI. Here the reason..
Can multiple threads see writes on a direct mapped ByteBuffer in Java? ByteBuffer in Java I'm working on something that uses ByteBuffers built from memory mapped files via as well as.. files via as well as in memory direct ByteBuffers. I am trying to understand the concurrency and memory model..