java Programming Glossary: bitmapfactory.options
How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)? int lbm int start_x int start_y int width int height BitmapFactory.Options options private static native int nativeGetWidth int lbm private..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set is connection.getInputStream Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeStream is.. for the actual sampling of the image. Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeStream is..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget can't understand is I have my code inside a try catch try BitmapFactory.Options o new BitmapFactory.Options o.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray.. my code inside a try catch try BitmapFactory.Options o new BitmapFactory.Options o.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray image.. width_tmp 2 height_tmp 2 scale Decode with inSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options o2 new BitmapFactory.Options o2.inSampleSize scale bitmapImage..
Serializing and De-Serializing in Java imageByteArray 0 imageByteArrayLength BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. 0 imageByteArrayLength BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap image BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
external allocation too large for this process To do this we do the following int inSample 8 opts new BitmapFactory.Options opts.inSampleSize inSample Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
Android Face Detection context super context TODO Auto generated constructor stub BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo new BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo.inPreferredConfig.. stub BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo new BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.RGB_565..
What is the best way to serialize an image (compatible with Swing) from Java to Android? new ByteArrayInputStream imageArray Android side BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.inDither true opt.inPreferredConfig.. imageArray Android side BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options opt.inDither true opt.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888..