

java Programming Glossary: birthday

How can I generate a tag cloud in Java, with OpenCloud?


private static final String WORDS art australia baby beach birthday blue bw california canada canon cat chicago china christmas..

Best way to sort 2 array lists?


I have 2 array lists. One is an array list containing birthdays. The other is an array list of names. I am sorting the array.. dates in descending order by date using Collections.sort birthdayList I want to have the array list of names be sorted in the.. array list of names be sorted in the same order that the birthday list was. i.e. unsorted bdaylist namelist 1 20 1980 Bob 3 15..

How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays?


to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays I have code to read contact details and to read birthdays... birthdays I have code to read contact details and to read birthdays. But how do I get a list of contacts in order of their upcoming.. how do I get a list of contacts in order of their upcoming birthday For a single contact identified by id I get details and birthday..

Mapping same class relation - continuation


insert into Users FirstName LastName email twitter birthday dlpId id values Hibernate update MyFriends set me_Id where..

JSF 2 - Bean Validation: validation failed -> empty values are replaced with last valid values from managed bean


message is shown ok For my example when I enter a valid birthday and the field name is empty an errormessage for name is shown.. when I enter a valid name and delete the input from the birthday field an errormessage is show for birthday that's ok but now.. input from the birthday field an errormessage is show for birthday that's ok but now the old 'valid' birthday stands also in the..

Facebook friends birthdays in Android


friends birthdays in Android in Android what is the easiest way to get ones.. in Android what is the easiest way to get ones Friend's birthdays Or relationship status Using FQL or by requesting it via the.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields birthday JSONObject jObject1 new JSONObject authenticatedFacebook.request..

Testing for custom plugin portlet: BeanLocatorException and Transaction roll-back for services testing


User user throws PortalException SystemException Date birthday user.getBirthday long years System.currentTimeMillis birthday.getTime.. user.getBirthday long years System.currentTimeMillis birthday.getTime long 365 24 60 60 1000 return years 18 You can use.. User user UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser userId Date birthday user.getBirthday long years System.currentTimeMillis birthday.getTime..