

java Programming Glossary: blockingqueue

Process Large File for HTTP Calls in Java


memory You should used an ExecutorService with a bounded BlockingQueue . As you read in your million lines you submit jobs to the thread.. million lines you submit jobs to the thread pool until the BlockingQueue is full. This way you will be able to run 100 or whatever number.. queue is full. This is better than a caller runs handler. BlockingQueue Runnable queue new ArrayBlockingQueue Runnable 100 ThreadPoolExecutor..

How to get the ThreadPoolExecutor to increase threads to max before queueing?


code it will never start the 2nd thread because the LinkedBlockingQueue is unbounded. ExecutorService threadPool new ThreadPoolExecutor.. 1 core 50 max 60 timeout TimeUnit.SECONDS new LinkedBlockingQueue Runnable Only if you have a bounded queue and the queue is full.. with ThreadPoolExecutor . It involves extending LinkedBlockingQueue to have it return false for queue.offer ... when there are already..

Producer/Consumer threads using a Queue


If necessary communicate between the two using a BlockingQueue . I say if necessary for 3 because from my experience it's an..

A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java


block until there is some element to return. public class BlockingQueue T private Queue T queue new LinkedList T private int capacity.. Queue T queue new LinkedList T private int capacity public BlockingQueue int capacity this.capacity capacity public synchronized void.. could rewrite the original example like so public class BlockingQueue T private Queue T queue new LinkedList T private int capacity..

ExecutorService that interrupts tasks after a timeout


int maximumPoolSize long keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit BlockingQueue Runnable workQueue long timeout TimeUnit timeoutUnit super corePoolSize.. int maximumPoolSize long keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit BlockingQueue Runnable workQueue ThreadFactory threadFactory long timeout.. int maximumPoolSize long keepAliveTime TimeUnit unit BlockingQueue Runnable workQueue RejectedExecutionHandler handler long timeout..

Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class?


don't have to roll your own synchronization you can use a BlockingQueue . 3 You are creating a new Socket every iteration of your sending..

How to interrupt a BlockingQueue which is blocking on take()?


to interrupt a BlockingQueue which is blocking on take I have a class that takes objects.. blocking on take I have a class that takes objects from a BlockingQueue and processes them by calling take in a continuous loop. At.. class MyObjHandler implements Runnable private final BlockingQueue MyObj queue public class MyObjHandler BlockingQueue queue this.queue..