java Programming Glossary: bitmap
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory I'm new to all the memory management.. I'm having troubles with its memory consumption All of the Bitmap Chaching code is pretty much copy pasted from here http these code lines options.inJustDecodeBounds false return BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options in the decodeSampledBitmapFromResource..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android frame as a byte array and tried to decode it with the BitmapFactory class but it returns null. The format of the frame is.. decodeYUV argb8888 data camSize.width camSize.height Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap argb8888 camSize.width camSize.height.. argb8888 data camSize.width camSize.height Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap argb8888 camSize.width camSize.height Config.ARGB_8888..
How to select and crop an image in android? getTempUri photoPickerIntent.putExtra outputFormat Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.toString startActivityForResult photoPickerIntent.. TEMP_PHOTO_FILE System.out.println path filePath Bitmap selectedImage BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath _image ImageView.. System.out.println path filePath Bitmap selectedImage BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath _image ImageView findViewById
Using the camera activity in Android as a Bundle to check for other things in my actual code Bitmap pic Bitmap b.get data if pic null Display your image in an.. to check for other things in my actual code Bitmap pic Bitmap b.get data if pic null Display your image in an ImageView in.. this.findViewById pictureHolder.setImageBitmap pic pictureHolder.invalidate else if resultCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set returning null when options are set I'm.. null when options are set I'm having issues with BitmapFactory.decodeStream inputStream . When using it without options.. in .decodeStream inputStream null options it never returns Bitmaps. What I'm trying to do is to downsample a Bitmap before I actually..
converting Java bitmap to byte array Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight.. share improve this question Try something like this Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data ByteArrayOutputStream stream.. stream new ByteArrayOutputStream bmp.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 stream byte byteArray stream.toByteArray..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap ImageView's Bitmap I have something like this Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. ImageView's Bitmap I have something like this Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 WeakReference Bitmap bm.. Bitmap I have something like this Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 WeakReference Bitmap bm new WeakReference Bitmap..
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android size exceeds Vm budget error android When I change to landscape.. I change to landscape mode few objects are created with bitmap of full screen when I scroll the other object is called and.. screen when I scroll the other object is called and its bitmap is displayed when I doing this repeatedly bitmap size exceeds..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android I like to do now is grab a single frame and process it as bitmap. From what I could find out to this point it is not an easy.. the frame is a headerless YUV which could be translated to bitmap but it takes too long on a phone. Also I've read that the onPreviewFrame.. argb8888 data camSize.width camSize.height Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap argb8888 camSize.width camSize.height Config.ARGB_8888..
QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing inputStream convert the image to a binary bitmap source LuminanceSource source new BufferedImageLuminanceSource.. source new BufferedImageLuminanceSource image BinaryBitmap bitmap new BinaryBitmap new HybridBinarizer source decode the barcode.. new QRCodeReader Result result try result reader.decode bitmap hints catch ReaderException e the data is improperly formatted..
Java Array, Finding Duplicates final int zipcodelist final int MAXZIP 99999 boolean bitmap new boolean MAXZIP 1 java.util.Arrays.fill bitmap false for.. boolean bitmap new boolean MAXZIP 1 java.util.Arrays.fill bitmap false for int item zipcodeList if bitmap item bitmap item true.. bitmap false for int item zipcodeList if bitmap item bitmap item true else return true return false Or Just..