java Programming Glossary: arithmeticexception
ArithmeticException thrown during BigDecimal.divide thrown during BigDecimal.divide I thought java.math.BigDecimal.. execution doesn't even get there one.divide three causes ArithmeticException to be thrown Exception in thread main java.lang.ArithmeticException.. to be thrown Exception in thread main java.lang.ArithmeticException Non terminating decimal expansion no exact representable decimal..
Is 1/0 a legal Java expression? fine in my Eclipse final int j 1 0 compiles fine throws ArithmeticException by zero at run time Java prevents many dumb code from even compiling.. for it Good question. I suppose that it is a way to throw ArithmeticException though that is hardly a plausible reason. A more likely reason..
ArithmeticException: “Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result” &ldquo Non terminating decimal expansion no exact representable.. a.divide b results in the following exception. java.lang.ArithmeticException Non terminating decimal expansion no exact representable decimal.. the operation is specified to return an exact result an ArithmeticException is thrown. Otherwise the exact result of the division is returned..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? is null if denominator.equals BigInteger.ZERO throw new ArithmeticException Divide by zero. only numerator should be negative. if denominator.signum.. numerator double denominator if denominator 0 throw new ArithmeticException Divide by zero. BigFraction tmp new BigFraction numerator .divide.. if denominator.equals BigDecimal.ZERO throw new ArithmeticException Divide by zero. BigFraction tmp new BigFraction numerator .divide..