java Programming Glossary: arrayblockingqueue
How can I make ThreadPoolExecutor command wait if there's too much data it needs to work on? with a limit on it BlockingQueue Date queue new ArrayBlockingQueue Date 200 Then when you put the 200th item into it it will block... nThreads nThreads 0L TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS new ArrayBlockingQueue Runnable 200 Edit As @trutheality pointed out to get this.. to the queue. Something like final BlockingQueue queue new ArrayBlockingQueue Runnable 200 ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool new ThreadPoolExecutor..
Does this basic Java object pool work? import java.util.Collection import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore.. this.permits new Semaphore objects.size this.objects new ArrayBlockingQueue T objects.size false objects public T borrow this.permits.acquireUninterruptibly.. import java.util.Collection import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue public final class..
Java Queue implementations, which one? collection. This queue does not permit null elements. ArrayBlockingQueue is a classic bounded buffer in which a fixed sized array holds.. Also what is the optional fairness policy thing in the ArrayBlockingQueue please Thanks a lot java multithreading concurrency queue .. and blocking behavior. Taking the easiest first ArrayBlockingQueue is a queue of a fixed size. So if you set the size at 10 and..
Process Large File for HTTP Calls in Java a caller runs handler. BlockingQueue Runnable queue new ArrayBlockingQueue Runnable 100 ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool new ThreadPoolExecutor..
AppContext is null from rmi thread with Java 7 Update 25 extends Thread private BlockingQueue Runnable queue new ArrayBlockingQueue Runnable 1 public InvokeLaterProcessor String name super name..
Impossible to make a cached thread pool with a size limit?
In ArrayBlockingQueue, why copy final member field into local final variable? ArrayBlockingQueue why copy final member field into local final variable In ArrayBlockingQueue.. why copy final member field into local final variable In ArrayBlockingQueue all the methods that require the lock copy it to a local final..
How do I instantiate a Queue object in java? Queue interface like one of the following AbstractQueue ArrayBlockingQueue ConcurrentLinkedQueue DelayQueue LinkedBlockingQueue LinkedList..
how can I wait for a java sound clip to finish playing back? the code above private final BlockingQueue URL queue new ArrayBlockingQueue URL 1 public void playSoundStream InputStream stream Clip clip..
Does it matter what I choose for serialVersionUID when extending Serializable classes in Java? Serializable classes in Java I'm extending a class ArrayBlockingQueue that implements the Serializable interface . Sun's documentation..
How to interrupt a BlockingQueue which is blocking on take()? public void testHandler BlockingQueue MyObj queue new ArrayBlockingQueue MyObj 100 MyObjectHandler handler new MyObjectHandler queue..
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean? createInnerThreads Queue InnerThread threads new ArrayBlockingQueue ApplicationContext ctx SpringContextFactory.getApplicationContext..