java Programming Glossary: arises
Java: If vs. Switch than the one I am currently using though. The failure arises from the fact I did not account for the null references still..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? code because it doesn't ever occur there. The problem arises when I try to insert into a database via my subclass of ContentProvider..
What is the difference between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException? Exception . With NoClassDefFoundError is an Error and it arises from the Java Virtual Machine having problems finding a class..
Struts2: Updating the values of a “List Of Objects” inside a Map values inside the s textfield are correct. Now the problem arises when the textfield is modified. How do we capture the modified..
Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex? supported but I've not confirmed that yet. Another issue arises around being able to read the HTTP response headers. Again from..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? server that your device is registered end if But problem arises when user clears the application data and you will loose the..
Reusing a PreparedStatement multiple times preparedStatement.close my question arises by the fact that I want to put this code into a multithreaded..
Need of serialization in Java question Serialization is usually used When the need arises to send your data over network or stored in files. By data I..
What trick does Java use to avoid spaces in >>? between C Templates and Java Generic says In C a problem arises because without the space denotes the right shift operator...
“Android Create” call fails in windows 7 - missing JDK for java.exe in somewhere under ProgramFiles Your problem arises because you're using the a 64 bit version of Windows. This means..
Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java no interface as long as it is not needed. When the need arises simply do an Introduce Extract interface refactoring supported..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused convert from List List E to List List A new question arises then just what is a List List java generics wildcard compiler.. snippets in the question can be explained. The confusion arises in falsely believing that a type like List List can capture..
Java swing JComponent “size” on this new component and this is where my problem arises. My widget changes image on hover click etc except my MouseListener.. the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty on Linux, or why is the default truststore empty there is no definitive solution only guesses. The problem arises in my case at least when I try to use open a connection over..
Are non-synchronised static methods thread safe if they don't modify static class variables? even if it wasn't static . The problem with thread safety arises when you need to share data between threads you must take care..
Java, Calculate the number of days between two dates
Comparing a double against zero for finding the roots of a cubical equation. The problem arises when I calculate the discriminant and try to check where it.. Discriminant is greater than zero. I know the problem arises because the calculations with doubles are not precise. Normally..
Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems fine. I can get that data and print it out. My problem arises in trying to send a response back to the php server. When I..